View attachment 86514
Hallo Can someone please help me with this round?
I am curious about the holes, is this a way to show the item is inert?
Thanks Bob
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View attachment 86514
Hallo Can someone please help me with this round?
I am curious about the holes, is this a way to show the item is inert?
Thanks Bob
The 5 inch Common is a High Explosive projectile, similar to an Armor piercing capped, but it doesn't have the penetrating cap, it only has the windshield. So the yellow part of the nose should be one caliber long to signify HE load, followed by the color code of the tracer (orange) and then a band to signify tracer (red). Sometimes the second band will be the color of the spotting dye that is placed in projectiles used for target practice.
Is that 4icnh mortar proj. a US development?
View attachment 86514
Hallo Can someone please help me with this round?
I am curious about the holes, is this a way to show the item is inert?
Thanks Bob
we sometimes find this kind of shell in British WW1 battelfields (North of France). Special shape of British 4.5in Gas at the end of the war. White Red White bands is for NC filling (chloropicrin). I don't know the mark of this shell.
A lead filling plug is at 21cm from the base.
I'll show on Bocn this shell as soon as I find one.