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Medium calibre modern AP collection

Another new large caliber APFSDS added to the collection: 125mm 3BM15
Not in the greatest shape, but it was cheap.
Hi All,
Even though fairs are cancelled due to Covid, I still had the oppertunity to add some new items to the collection:
20x139 HVAP-DS-T
20x102 M53 API
20x110 APDS (probably from the PATEC development days. Sabot looks like the early Phalanx types, but the pusher is silver colored)
20x102 M940 MPT-SD
40x365R 40L70 DM33 AP-T
AT-3 Sagger (yay)

Take care and stay safe.
Latest additions

Restrictions have become more relaxed in The Netherlands, so we were able to get together and exchange the latest additions to our collections.
I won't bore you with all the double items I added to the collection. Here are just all the new additions:
23x152B APDS-T from Mesko, Poland
23x115 BZA (API)
30x170 AP for the Oerlikon KCB (HS831)
76mm M339 AP-T
76mm M496 HEAT-T
RPG-15 cutaway
90mm French OFL 90 F1 APFSDS-T for the CN90 F4 cannon



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Congrats on them all, my friend, but ESPECIALLY that, French 90! Been after that one for a while. Holy Grail 90 :) Some incredible additions.

Restrictions have become more relaxed in The Netherlands, so we were able to get together and exchange the latest additions to our collections.
I won't bore you with all the double items I added to the collection. Here are just all the new additions:
23x152B APDS-T from Mesko, Poland
23x115 BZA (API)
30x170 AP for the Oerlikon KCB (HS831)
76mm M339 AP-T
76mm M496 HEAT-T
RPG-15 cutaway
90mm French OFL 90 F1 APFSDS-T for the CN90 F4 cannon

PS The 'RPG-15 cutaway' isn't really anything to do with RPG (РПГ) recoilless guns, or similar designated RPG rocket launchers.

From the profile of the shaped charge liner and the waveshaper, it would seem to be a PG-15V (ПГ-15В) round and not PG-15VS (ПГ-15ВС).

The PG-15V is fired by the the 2A28 (2А28) Grom (Гром) 73 mm smoothbore gun that armed the Russian BMP-1 (ВМП-1) and BDM-1 (ВМД-1) infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), and a few other vehicles.

The PG-9 (ПГ-9) projectile that forms part of the PG-15V round is of-course also fired by the SPG-9 (СПГ-9) recoilless gun when part of the PG-9V (ПГ-9В) round

The PG-9 would form the basis of the PG-7M (ПГ-7М) rocket-boosted projectile used with the RPG-7 recoilless gun, so that's about the only RPG link.
Thank you Eggburt1969.
I figured RPG-15 was wrong, but could not identify it myself. It was sold to me as RPG-15, so that is what I went with for now. I sort of hoped that someone would correct my info.
Great that this forum works as intended :)

Again, new additions only. The 30mms took almost a year to arrive in my hands, due to corona measures restricting travel. Happy to have them in the collection, but I am looking for purple and/or orange 30x173 GAU-8A cases to place them on. So, if anybody has any spares lying around, please let me know.

20x128 AP-T
30x173 PGU-14/B (is that the correct designation for the Tungsten cored variant?)
30x173 PGU-14/B
37x155 BZT - API
106mm HESH Recoilless rifle round

It has been a while since I posted, but that's because it has been a while since I bought anything new.
Finally some new additions to the collection:
23x115 BZ
25x137 M791 APDS-T
27x145B APHEI
35x228 SAPHEI
35x228 AP
35x228 AP-T

I have serious doubts about the 27mm and the 35mm AP and AP-T. I cannot find any references to these rounds, nor any pictures of them anywhere. Does anyone have any documentation or link to anything describing these rounds?
It has been a while since I posted, but that's because it has been a while since I bought anything new.
Finally some new additions to the collection:
23x115 BZ
25x137 M791 APDS-T
27x145B APHEI
35x228 SAPHEI
35x228 AP
35x228 AP-T

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I have serious doubts about the 27mm and the 35mm AP and AP-T. I cannot find any references to these rounds, nor any pictures of them anywhere. Does anyone have any documentation or link to anything describing these rounds?

The '35x228 SAPHEI' would seem to be a PMD 044 round, as such a Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary Tracer (SAHEI-T).

As to the '23x115 BZ', the same projectile was also used in the 23×152B VYa (ВЯ) aircraft cannon BZ (БЗ) round. The nose cavity would normally be filled with about 6.0 g of DU-5 (ДУ-5) incendiary material.

The 23×152B ZU-23 (ЗУ-23) ammo normally used a different plain steel BZT (БЗТ) API-T projectile, which didn't have the tungsten carbide core.

Finally, later 23×115 AM-23 (АМ-23), NR-23 (НР-23) and NS-23 (НС-23) ammo, along with 23×152B VYa BZ-A (БЗ-А) ammo would use a plain steel API and API-T projectiles.
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Thank you for the additional information.
The text on the 35x228 SAPHEI-T says: "PLD 044".

PLD 044 is the projectile designation:

P = probably short for 'Panzerbrechgeschoss';
L = probably short for Leuchtspur = tracer;
D = 35 mm; and
044 = internal Oerlikon model number.

PMD 044 is the round designation:

P = probably short for 'Patrone' = round;
M = probably short for Maschinenkanone = automatic cannon;
D = 35 mm; and
044 = internal Oerlikon model number.
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Latest additions

Good day all,
Last weekend the ECRA meet was held at Landhorst. A very succesfull meeting with a lot of visitors from abroad.
My latest additions from there:
25x181 KBB APDS-T
30x173 - FAPDS core (said to be experimental)
30x173 - APDS-T from Mesko
30x210 - APT-I
35x228 APFSDS-T


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I recently added another variant of the 20x139 DM63 APDS penetrator. This variant is skinnier than the standard penetrator. The bottom has an edge, the same width as the standard. The shape of the edge is slightly different. There is no edge to the shoulder and the shoulder is slightly lower than on the standard penetrator.
In the photo are the 5 different variants I ahve now. Number 1 is believed to be a demo variant for a NL-USA cooperation. Number 2 is the new variant. 3 & 4 are standard DM63 penetrators. number 5 is shorter, number 6 is shortest.
Does anybody have any idea about the reasons behind the variants? Just stages in development?


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Beautiful specimen and score. It is an Israeli design, primarily sold for export. Attaching pictures of hot factory brochure.


Hi all,
It's been a while, so here is an update on the latest new additions:
14,5mm AP core
25x137 Tubular experimental from EMZ
115mm BM6 APFSDS-T


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