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2cm Br Spgr VK l'spur


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
I found two different diagrams for the 2cm Br Spgr VK l'spur.
I only saw a shell with short tracer cavity (same as the 1st diagram).
Is it a mistake (second diagram) ?

VK.jpgVK 2.jpg
Do I get it right, that these are projectiles for the 20x138B Flak ? Could you explain what the abbreviation " v.k. " stands for ? It seems to suggest that a "verkürzte Leuchtspur" (shortened tracer) is meant, but then the spelling does not fit. I did not find it in the "H.Dv.4812_Merkblatt_Munition_2cmWaffen", that I do have as a .pdf-document.

Thanks in advance and best regards from Germany,
That's a legitimate question I also noticed this strange abbreviation. To add more confusion I also found it written "v.K." several times and "vk"
That makes also no sense, it would make sense in the opposite direction like vergrößerter Kopf but what is a Kopf on a 2 cm shell? Kopf means head and cannot be translated as body. To much guessing for my taste.