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Russian WW II F1's

As for a modern view of the F-1's including the ones with the Koveshnikov's fuze, were still being used during the Vietnam war. But my suggestion is the ones that came after WWII and Korea were of Chinese manufacturer. The Chinese almost always, with very few exceptions, reversed engineerd from the Soviets. They did all ordnance that way. Cheaper to produce and little need for a drafting board.

just a little more information, that' all.

Many countries made and used F-1 after WW2 (my advice read book by Darrel W. Lynn!). All countries from Warsaw pact also used (and produced) russian F-1 (UZRG-M too). We are supplied in Korea, Vietnam our grenaes.
In movie "Rambo 3 (in Afghanistan)" i saw Russian F-1 with Koveshnikov's fuze!! :) It was completely possible....

Here is a Chinese made F1 body. I have fitted a Polish made fuze to it, only because I do not have a Chinese made one:tinysmile_angry2_t:. Also in the photo is an F1 body recovered from a jungle workshop in Vietnam. Cheers Colin


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jhonni, during Vietnam who in the beginnig supplied the most money and aid to North Vietnam?
North Vietnam ? May be National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF)?
Soviet Union and China...
And what you mean?
And this is F1 with Russian marking "CБ".
Very Interesting! Where from? :)

Please make a photo again - letter "B" is undecipherable.
First, I mean you no harm and disrespect.

It was the Chinese that supplied North Vietnam in the begining and still hepled them through 1975. So that you know (which you probably already knew) the Russians gave them a tremendous amount of support. But during Vietnam, you'll see, if you were to read America's view of it and what they came across as far as ordnance was concerned; they came across mostly chinese built weapons. Ak-47's came from East Germany, China, Hungary (not many though, RARE), yugoslavia, Russia, and the North Koreans. The ammunition was contibuted from all Communist nations including Cuba. Hand grenades came from both the Chinese and Russians, with Bulgaria in there too. This war was truely a Communist Affair!

Also, by the way, East Germany provided Nurses and Doctors too. Czechoslovakia (SP?) and Bulgaria supplied some amunition too.

The NLF/VC produced their grenades by hand and in a jungle cave or in one of their "areas" back at some base camp. This, if only they could not get an American grenade.

I hope this answers all your questions and I apologize for my percieved arrogance, or my confusing questions if it is the way you felt that I came across this way. Just providing facts, Sir
It is very hard for me to make good picture becouse this letter is little indistinc but this is for sure russian marking.
This is other russian marking.

V-40 Sorry, my english is very bad!
I'm reasonably read but bad write on english! Make me discount on my bad english! :)
May be we are understand each other.
And so grenades? You have a question? :)
Bodyes F1 from 1939 year by designer Khromeev was a copy French body F-1 but without plug in bottom...
Great condition and photo!
My friends was find russian F1 with Koveshnikov's fuze and body have a plug in bottom part. I think these grenades body from old stocks (just a French body).


this is grenade F1 with plug in bottom...
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Yep, threaded plug in bottom. But plug's has a variety material's (steel, brass, and even lead)..
On your photos is a different or identical plug's?
It's my a very little collection of grenades F-1.
But I havn't Polish... :(


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Handicraft grenade from Novorossisk for use with black powder and spittercord..


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And... AP mine from F-1 grenade, handicraft fuze as Koveshnikov.
Big tube has a black powder charge for starting grenade (mine) in air.
Very rare stuff... from Pskov. Principle of operation is like as a German SMI-35 mine.
Version about that what device is mine it's me.
Official info is no.
I think it's handicraft by Partisanen...


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