Fuze by Koveshnikov was adopted in 1928 (a last design drawning fuze). In this time was adopted and grenade "Ф-1" (with body produced in France).
Before 1939 year Russians used F-1 with bodies produced in France only (from WW1 period). After 1939 year was Russians adopted their own design drawning of body "F-1".(without hole and plug in bottom)
Koveshnikov's fuze had a few variety in WW2 period (look my gallery links in bottom).
and.... Koveshnikov fuze had at the minimum two variety of detonators (normal length and short)
In 1942 year was adopted "UZRG" and later "UZRG-M"...
Yes yes...Kilroy, i know about differing threads on detonators for Koveshnikov's fuze. I have one Kovesh from Leningrad region (Kolpino) what have a coarse (with big step) threading.
Look at my picture:
Note: - lever on top of cap have a rivet!!
Rivet on top is a variety Kovesh fuze too! (rare!)
Very nice grenades MT-LB!
Your Koweshnikow fuze are rare production, but it's nothing unusual in this fuze.
I have seen this fuze fitted with F-1 body French type, but with Soviet also...
Here's some of mine... not so nice condition like yours, becouse all was find on battlefields from 1945 in Poland.
On second pics, some Russian manufacture stamps on fuzes - for now unfortunately unknown for me.
As you can see, there was two kind of UZRG fuzes; open on top, and closed (pics.3).
Unfortunately all of mine ww2 F-1 with Koweshnikow fuzes are in the our local museum for while...
Best regards.
It's a simple Steve...
1. On factories was work a childrens and womans - all healthy man's was in the army.
2. Leningrad was in a blockade and factories was made a weapons from limited materials. May be design drawings was not available.
3. All factories was evacuate on to Ural and in a far regions.
and many cause's...
It was very difficult war for Russia...
Look at my photo:
The fifth grenade F-1 from Leningrad - have a very bad quality of manufacturing.
Note: Fuze with rivet from this grenade.
Last two grenades is a handicraft industry (they from Kursk and Novorossisk)
Hello all,
wanted to show you my 3 WW II Russian F1's - the one with a Koweshnikow fuze I haven't seen before.
Of course all 3 are completely inert!
Hi Erik, is the black? grenade in the middle, is this the original WW2 paint? What is the "Red Triangle" at the bottom of grenade? I have never seen this.
Has the grenade been re-painted maybe?
Regards, Steve
the F1 with the red triangle came from Czechoslovakia and the red triangle is their marking for inert training model. So I can't say anything about the paint - if they repainted them - who knows.
The last diagram in my gallery:
Quantity of gunpowder drawn approximately as the mine device precisely is not known - documents on it are absent.