Hi everyone,
I'd like to comment on this frankly bizarre outrage.
The full proposal (now a 'Regulation' adopted by the Commission and to be implemented) - Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons - has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union - an ominous step forward for it is now... COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2015/2403 of 15 December 2015 establishing common guidelines on deactivation standards and techniques for ensuring that deactivated firearms are rendered irreversibly inoperable.
It contains annexes explaining the specific deactivation procedures required.
There are some worrying provisions that leap out: placing a currently-deactivated weapon on the 'market' (whether for money, free or barter or taken to another member state) means the new directive applies retrospectively.
Oh and it also comes into force (or rather 'came into force') on 8 January, 2016 and applies from 8 April, 2016.
Good news?
Well it doesn't apply to currently-deactivated weapons (so long as you stay put and don't put 'em on the 'market'); doesn't appear be any ban on owning fully-automatic weapons and it says nowt about inert ammunition.
It's dry as dust but worth a gander: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L:2015:333:FULL&from=EN
Isn't democracy a wonderful thing? Just what my fathers fought for, eh?
dont be relaxed...
This proposal mentioned above is only dealing with deactivated WEAPONS (means Guns)..
and it says especial in the whole text, that this law (which had to be implemented by the member Governments immediat) does NOT INTERFERE with the proposals, to change the old EU-Directive 411/91..on which they worked for Long..
In this huge text compendium you will find, that all AP-Bullets, Tracer bullets a.s.o., grenades, fuzes a.s.o. and loaded ammo with Special bullets will be categorized in Category A and will be subsequently forbidden for private People, even as deactivated material. It goes also forward, that the (member) governments have to take precautions to take this goods "in"...
No word of refunding..
At least 18 member states MUST refuse this, otherwise this proposal goes into effect !!!
Some "eastern" members , the Finns and the Baltic states had proposed to oppose this, but thats not enough..
I was happy to read, that the german "Bundesrat" has given advise to the government, to refuse the harsh new regualations, as they said, that Germany had already one of the strictest gun laws...
But unfortunatelly, I havent heard more, or how the Government has reacted on this advise..
EU is an abbreviation for EUROPAS UNTERGANG...and this happens since this burocrats in the COMMISSION (from which nobody was elected !!) taken more and more activities from the member states Parliaments under their jurisdictions. Their is NO CONTROL by the People, on their activities...the socalled european parliamet, has no big influence on the work done by the commission (Mr. Juncker and Co)...
So, where is the Democracy???
Sorry, for my english..