Old conversation but it seems there is still a controversy over the sizes of the WW2 PE and 808. Yodamaster said PE was 19.5 x 3.5 x 226.8 grams (7.7 inch x 1 3/8 x 8 ounce).
And 808 was 7.62 x 4.49 x 113.4 g (3 inch x 1 3/4 x 4 ounce). Bigger diameter.
David Gordon in his great book says P.E. was 1 3/8 inch x 4 for a 4 ouncer. Pretty close to Yodamaster's numbers.
But David said 808 was 1 3/8 x 3 inch for a 4 ouncer. Was it 1 3/8 or 1 3/4? Is there a typo somewhere?
When you look at the photo from Anders, post #48, which I assume is a genuine cartridge of PE2 from the period (if not please say so), it is about the same aspect ratio (shape) as this:
This is one I made that is 1 3/8 x 8 inch.
This also looks the same as one on the ICI display board posted by exat808, post #6, second row from the bottom, third from left. Note there are others that are longer. Are diameters the same? I wonder if some of these are over 8 inch long? Maybe he can tell us which are 808 or PE.
I wonder if there were 1 1/4 inch diameter cartridges at that time? Main question here is about diameter.