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Help with Italian Breda M35 series


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved

I try to understand the Breda M35 family.

Ok for the red one (HE).
I'm looking for informations on :
-1- black inert dummy grenade (diagram)
-2- white with red band practice grenade (diagram and pictures). What means "a sola cassula" ? What is the small weight charge of TNT ?
-3- unpainted with red band (diagram). Is it an inert dummy grenade or a practice grenade with a small explosive charge ?
-4- Smoke grenade (pictures-diagram)
-5- Smoke-Incendiary grenade (pictures-diagram).


(Pictures from http://www.lexpev.nl/grenades/europe/italy/breda35.html and http://www.talpo.it/breda.html)


m35 dummy.jpg


m35 prac.jpg

Practice or Dummy

M35 pract.jpg

1-black dummy grenade has woods piece inside to reach the original weight. No live parts, only for training in throw

2 - Practice - a sola cassula: Explosive and detonator are inert. Only the ignition cap it's live. Identical to live grenades. White painted with lower red stripe.

3 - Unpaninted with central red band: wartime production, live hand granade identical to the overall red painted.

4 and 5 - I have something but I need to find it. I hope to post later


here a pic of Breda mod 35 F (fumogena = smoke) or FI (Fumogena Incendiaria = smoke inendiary). Grenades were painted red/black and specific marking F or FI was applied in the base with white paint.

Breda mod 35 F, smoke had the explosive charge replaced with carbon tetrachloride, zink and zink oxide compound. It produced a thick 3mx3m cloud.
Breda mod 35FI, incendiary smoke had the explosive charge replaced with 90gr of white phosphor and same compound of smoke grenade. It produce a thick 10mx4m cloud and phosphor spark for 10m.
both hand grenades was used for anti tank fight.

best regards
Birllant, thank you Fert.

What is the real weight charge of the Breda 35 high explosive ; all documentations I read give different weight (from 43 to 60 gr !!) ?

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you are welcome.
Breda mod 35 had 60gr of TNT/Binitro-naftalina compound. Source Italian 1938 and 1941 manuals.

best regards
Here I let you an italian manual talking about all the grenades series 35/40/42... in use in 1944 by the italian army.


  • istruzione-sulle-bombe-a-mano-e-loro-impiego-1944-pdf-free.pdf
    11.6 MB · Views: 15