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Your thoughts please?

Cheers Chris,
There is def solder in there,i should have took a picture.I too have to admit the proj has had a prang but it looks fine in the case when stood up.:)

I personally would like to keep this and Micks round.I just cannot get my head round spending big money on one round when im not intending to sell again.


Hi Waff,
There are places that will rewash/plate your cases for you, I am looking to get to 88's refinished and have found two places within 40 miles of that will do it. Have a look for metal finishers on the web.
Nice round i am still on the lookout for one of those. That was a good price for the pair.
Hi Weasel,
What if there is filler under that gold paint?,would a brass re-wash stick to it?


After a bit of a think,ive decided to go with the two bought at Malvern.
I shall keep you posted about the restorations and will spill the beans as and when the `minter` comes available.

Thanks lads for your inputs in this topic and the many PM`s ive received.:)

Make sure you post pics, would love to see how it looks when you remove the paint.

I also recently picked one up at a price that would make Q's eyes water. ;-)
Replaced the PZGR (AP) projectile with a SPRGR (HE) projectile.....looks great.
Unfortunately, no pzgr or sprgr markings on headstamp ...which at least mean't I could put the right head in there.

When I can get home in the light, ill take a pic and post if yer interested.

Finally took a few pics this weekend....here are two of my kwk43's APHE and HE, and a 75mm M48 HE round (Sherman, Churchill etc) for scale.

Both rounds are 1944 dated and have manufacturer code AWT (Wuerttembergische Metallwarenfabrik) the only thing that makes these rounds less than perfect are the lack of painted marking on the case.


oh, one more thing...they're not just KingTiger rounds, they could also be Jagdpanther, Nashorn, Elephant or of course PaK43 rounds. Finally, as an interesting side note, Albert Ernst is recorded as knocking out Russian T-34 at 4.5KM in a Nashorn (SP gun)...with one of these rounds.

Hi Chaps,

Ive Re-sprayed over that hideous gold paint.I rubbed down the case until almost all the gold had gone.
Decided to spray using `Feldgrau`(field-grey) that i got from Soldier of Fortune stall at last years Beltring.
No lacquer used so to avoid shine.Its now displayed with the other proj until the other case is ready.




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