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WW2 German Anti lifting device S.M.1


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Having a online chat about a Anti lifting device box for the S.M.1, most probably an early version of the S.M.2. Has anyone seen a S.M.1 or have one.
I'm interested in the subject for a long time and I have never seen or even heard about an S.M.1 I'm not even sure about the real meaning of S.M. It could be "Sofortzünder metallfrei"(Instant-fuze metalfree)This antilifting-device originally was named E.Z.44 (Entlastungs-Zünder 44). The designation E.Z. SM2 only appeared later. Then, towards the end of WW2 a new model named SF 3 appeared. These two, the E.Z.44 and the S.F.3 are the only german "Entlastungs-Zünder" that I know of. By the way, are you shure the printing on the box is S.M.1 ? Could it may be be S.F.1. This is a chemical pressure fuze for the "Topfmine". Full designation is "To.Mi.Z. SF1"
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Label looks like its for Two keys and five mines. Its not the same type of mine.
I know a absolutely nothing about SM 1/SM 2 and can contribute nothing to the debate.
But here is an E Z 44 in original section for comparison purposes.
Note the paper label pasted to the back of the device, presumably this is the id of the supplier or manufacturer.
No, it's the composition of the internal explosive charge:
Np.10 (Nitropenta 10) is Penthrite phlegmatized at 10%;
Fp.02 (Fullpulver 02) is TNT.
No, it's the composition of the internal explosive charge:
Np.10 (Nitropenta 10) is Penthrite phlegmatized at 10%;
Fp.02 (Fullpulver 02) is TNT.
Many thanks for info. Grateful to you.
But does that mean that all filled service examples had a similar label?
Most explosive German were marked with such a round sticker. They were used on 100gram and 200 gram blocks, the were found in Smines where the explosive was a single cast block wrapped in a paper seal. There were different colours for different devices and explosive.