Why We Do It?
I started cartridge collecting when i was about 8 and started off with shotgun cases and anything i was given until i could start going to the many old long gone junk and antiques shops which we used to have in our town, with my 1 weekly pocket money. One of my first buys was a 25 pounder WW2 case for 1 followed by a 40mm short naval WW2 Pom, Pom case which i stupidly swapped ages ago. I became fascinated with WW2 German aircraft ammunition and now concentrate mainly on cannon ammunition and buy them whenever i can. What drove me in first place was the love of anything military particularly things that went bang! All the different shapes sizes and case materials of ammunition makes it an absorbing hobby in itself, add a little history and there maybe your answer. Regards, Tim.
I started cartridge collecting when i was about 8 and started off with shotgun cases and anything i was given until i could start going to the many old long gone junk and antiques shops which we used to have in our town, with my 1 weekly pocket money. One of my first buys was a 25 pounder WW2 case for 1 followed by a 40mm short naval WW2 Pom, Pom case which i stupidly swapped ages ago. I became fascinated with WW2 German aircraft ammunition and now concentrate mainly on cannon ammunition and buy them whenever i can. What drove me in first place was the love of anything military particularly things that went bang! All the different shapes sizes and case materials of ammunition makes it an absorbing hobby in itself, add a little history and there maybe your answer. Regards, Tim.