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V1 & V2 Rocket Parts

This site has some good photos of a V1 restoration project: http://www.asa-be.com/PhotogalleryMuseumV1Project.htm

Helped me to determine the large chunk of steel I found near a V1 crater is probably from the bomb - After several hours of finding rusty parts of farm implements, door hinges and the usual rubbish, my son got a massive detector signal right on the lip of the crater - we had assumed everything would have been thrown far from this and not bothered searching there :tinysmile_hmm_t:

see: http://laituk.org/V1 Gregson Lane.htm
Thank you Nick for the superb links.
I was actually driving past that site last week and it got me thinking if there was anything left after all those years?



Thanks Spotter, thats a great site.

If I have any doubts that this item is of any machine other than a V1 then I will bin it.
I only paid about 15 for it and it came to me indirectly. I bought it from a guy in the Isle of Wight and I did have my doubts. I asked if he had the details of the guy that sold him it. He gave me the guys phone number in Kent. I phoned him and got his wife who then put me onto him. They were just your typical old couple. He told me he had this part since he was a schoolkid and even gave me the full location of were he found it,the crash site. He then wrote to me and gave me all the details. Its a lot of hassle and BS to go through for 15. The deal was done for him but he was interested in the fact that I had it. The guy I bought it from in the Isle of Wight is 100% honest as I have bought loads off items from him. I have bought reproduction German Para Badges from high end dealers explaining to me that the badge came directly from the vet only to find its a reproduction.
I know how this is begining to look but its a lot of BS for 15 from two people. If its not what it is I will have no hesitation but to bin it. Even though it doesn't look much I was just happy it came from a downed V1. I am going to wait another day to see what others say and then i'm binning it, i'm only losing 15. It baffles me why an old man would make this up.

Thanks for your help so far and thanks again spotter for the link to that site and taking the time to look.


Hidden component perhaps!

Thanks Spotter, thats a great site.

If I have any doubts that this item is of any machine other than a V1 then I will bin it.
I only paid about 15 for it and it came to me indirectly. I bought it from a guy in the Isle of Wight and I did have my doubts. I asked if he had the details of the guy that sold him it. He gave me the guys phone number in Kent. I phoned him and got his wife who then put me onto him. They were just your typical old couple. He told me he had this part since he was a schoolkid and even gave me the full location of were he found it,the crash site. He then wrote to me and gave me all the details. Its a lot of hassle and BS to go through for 15. The deal was done for him but he was interested in the fact that I had it. The guy I bought it from in the Isle of Wight is 100% honest as I have bought loads off items from him. I have bought reproduction German Para Badges from high end dealers explaining to me that the badge came directly from the vet only to find its a reproduction.
I know how this is begining to look but its a lot of BS for 15 from two people. If its not what it is I will have no hesitation but to bin it. Even though it doesn't look much I was just happy it came from a downed V1. I am going to wait another day to see what others say and then i'm binning it, i'm only losing 15. It baffles me why an old man would make this up.

Thanks for your help so far and thanks again spotter for the link to that site and taking the time to look.


That is way too involved to be a load of BS and do not forget that whilst these "Rockets" were simple in construction they still had a large number of components hidden away-perhaps you would be kind enough to take some more detailed pictures from different angles and post them for us.

Just as an aside Waffy mentions a "fuel cut off" switch, if memory serves me correctly it was the exact measure of fuel carried that determined the place they fell when it ran out !


Guys! take a look at the electrical section on the site Spotter posted for us. When you pull that up look at the 3rd diagram. Its the part on the top far left. It is in the same location that the old boy told me. Look at my part and the drawing...it looks like it. Tell me what you think.


attatched image from [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]www.zenza.se/vw[/FONT]


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Hi Mike,

...are you able to give some dimensions of the piece you have? I have been searching the photos for the piece you have, some scale as to the size of the piece you have would help. You say you have located the item yourself, I think I'm missing something in the drawing?? (maybe just me!!)

regarding bin-ing any item, please don't do that if you cannot positively ID something straight away. I'm sure all of us have items that we don't exactly know what they are and that is half the fun of collecting.

nice item thanks for giving me a lot of fun trying to locate it !!!!

Great links by both Spotter and NickW btw- very interesting and informative.

regards Kev
Whilst on the subject of V1 parts,im sure this next item fits in your thread Mike?

Im told its a Rudder from a V1 but also my friend advises me it could be an Airelon? I will be displaying this with two different fuzes from a V1 in due course. :)

over to you.



Nice rudder Waff !!

regards Kev

Just to let you know I have contacted a gentleman called Paul Soons,from a museaum in Europe, who has forwarded my email to Jean Dillen who is their V1 specialist. I have got the big boys on the case and hopefully will get a full write up. If its genuine we should get a full and interesting write up. Thanks to all you men so far the links that you have sent me that has enabled me to take this further. Even though we didn't get to the bottom of it on here everybody on this thread has made a big effort. I will have the pleasure of giving you all the info soon so we can all learn something new.

I am well impressed by the help and interaction on this forum. The short time I have been on here members have helped me to find a Hathohlladung 3 and a butterfly bomb and today! a tip of on a V1 Rudder! I feel like i'm sitting in a pub and everybody is buying rounds except me.

The info will be here soon unless I'm told my part is off a tractor!

Have a great New Year in the meantime.


yeah cheers Kev ;) It is indeed a V1 Rudder,i was worried at first by the lack of stencilling.

Mike,can you throw a pic of your tip on please?


V1 Part

Hello Guys,

I'm now spewing! wrenching.:tinysmile_cry_t4:

Just got an email of specialist, Jean Dillen, and he says its definately NOT of a V1 rocket.
That old guy that sold it to the man I bought it of gave me the exact details were he got it from and wrote it all down for me. Why all the BS? he says he personally picked it up as a kid.

Just proves the point, buy the item not the story. I think I only payed 15 plus postage and rather than throw it out I feel like demanding my money back out of principle....what says you guys? I'm sorry for wasting your time researching a part that probably came of a tractor.


Mike ,thats a bit of a downfall,,BUT maybe a slight chance the old guys confused what it came from,,does it disassemble are there any stampings on the item at all (outside or inside) which may give a clue to what it is really from ?
Do not bin item!

Mike never "bin" any historical item as whatever it is will only be even rarer, and you can bet someone somewhere will be after one:(

I can fully appreciate your disappointment but let us try to take it a step further on this forum, firstly whatever it is it looks like it may well have a military use, secondly if indeed it is not part of a V1 then what is it a part of ?
May I suggest you take and post some more detailed pictures of the item along with a scale and any stampings marks etc and then we can all rack our brains as to its use ?
You just never know what will transpire :eek:oh: :tinysmile_eyebrow_t who knows it may even be a lot more valuable than the price you paid.:tinysmile_hmm_t:
Hello Guys,

I'm now spewing! wrenching.:tinysmile_cry_t4:

Just got an email of specialist, Jean Dillen, and he says its definately NOT of a V1 rocket.
That old guy that sold it to the man I bought it of gave me the exact details were he got it from and wrote it all down for me. Why all the BS? he says he personally picked it up as a kid.

Just proves the point, buy the item not the story. I think I only payed 15 plus postage and rather than throw it out I feel like demanding my money back out of principle....what says you guys? I'm sorry for wasting your time researching a part that probably came of a tractor.



Chris 42 has it right - if I took back every piece of crap I bought in hopes that it was something special - You can learn a lot from your mistakes, keep them around as reminders.

Intent makes a big difference during events like this, most people just don't recognize the components that they have, and base their identification of some BS that they've been told by "experts". It's an honest mistake, and probably hurts them, even more than you, to find out the truth. This is completely different from when you have been intentionally "taken". I have the same opinion as Chris, keep it and 10 years from now you may be pleasantly surprised to find you have something even better than you thought you had when you bought it.
V1 Rocket Part

Hello Guys,

I posted an add looking for V1 Rocket parts and it got a lot of interest. I posted a part I had and nobody knew were it came from. I then contacted Jean Dillen from the museaum in Antwerp and he could not locate it. He then posted my 15 pictures to a couple off experts in Germany and they emailed back saying they were "DEFINATELY NOT" parts of a V1 but possibly a German bomber. They said that the speed of a V1 hitting the ground would not leave a part in this condition.

I then contacted the collector that bought it from him for 10. He said its possible that the old guy got confused and mixed it up with parts from a German bomber. I phoned the old chap who is 83. He told me that the V1 crashed in wood close to Lyles House(Tate & Lyle) in 1944. It hit a hillside at Kemsing,Sevenoaks, Kent. It hit the trees and exploded into pieces.He said he personally dragged a large section across a field and back to his house were he dismantled it. His father went mad and had the part taken out his garage,giving it to a scrap merchant, and he was left with the small part. He kept it in a box since the war. I asked him is there anyway that he got confused with a crashed German Bomber? he said"no way". He once went to the site of a crashed bomber and a sentry was there. He asked the sentry if he could have one of the bullets from the plane and the sentry replied "I will give you a bullet if you don't clear off!". He got a bit baffled saying he is 100% that its a V1 part and he never got it mixed up. He even said "i'm an intelligent man with a good memory and I don't understand this". He also said " I have a large house with sea views, nice cars....why would I make all this up for 10? I wasn't even fussy about selling it.....it is off a V1....I would not be dishonest to anyone. Well now I have to appologise to him!

Take a look at the link http://www.zenza.se/vw/

Click onto the "Radio" section and look at the bottom pictures and you will see my part. I still don't know what this part plays on the V1.

I didn't know what to believe...the old chap or the experts!

The guy lived in Kent during the war and has lived in the Isle of Wight for 12 years.He is planning to move back to Kent and is coming over in the summer. He says he knows about three V1 crash sites and he wants to go back to them since he is still fit. He even says he burried a bag of V1 parts in a bag because they were too heavy to lift and he is curious if he could still find them! A very interesting man to talk to and let me know if you guys want a meeting in June /July time to visit a few sites in Kent. He said it was always a race between local kids and the home guard for getting to crash sites and finding incendiary bombs.

Sorry for the long winded thread but I'm excited at getting the proof. I wrote this part off as a tractor part and was going to send it back to the old guy so he can enjoy his V1 part.

Happy New Year



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Result, well done Mike!!

Bet you are glad you didnt 'bin' it now!!

look on the wiring diagram (in the radio section) there is something called a 'latching relay', this has a manual button on the side. (could this be what your item is). I must confess I know little about electrics, but the button makes me think this may be it.

Glad you found out what it is, just goes to show, never to give up. Well done to Spotter also for coming up with such a good site on the V1.

kind regards Kev
Hey Mike, you may have stumbled upon a 'rare' piece of equipment from a V1 there.

look at this.........

It is also known that several of the first buzz bombs to be launched were provided with a small radio transmitter (using a triode valve marked 'S3' but being equivalent to a then-current power valve, type RL 2,4T1), to check the general direction of flight related to the launching place's and the target's grid coordinates by radio bearing.

This is taken from this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-1_(flying_bomb)

It could also be why the Experts didn't identify it as a V1 part, because it was not a Standard V1 part ???

regards Kev
Good result Mike and well done for sticking with this one.
There may be a lot of experts out there but lets face it, if the guy was involved with poking around retrieving bits of a crashed V1 its going to stay in his memory like it was yesterday. My Father in law was a teenager in London during the war, he remembers the blitz, collecting Bofors fuzes off the local field from the AA, burning his hands on hot shrapnel and all the other good stuff............like it was yesterday. Lets hope he finds his bag of stuff after all these years.

I was almost ditching this piece! what do you do when a guy from a museaum who has restored a V1 and another two guys from Germany who have written books on the subject say that its definately not a part from a V1 or a V2?.
When I asked the old guy if he swopped items with friends during the war or recieved parts from other crashed aircraft he says he took my part of the V1 with his own hands.

If any off you guys want to talk to the old chap he gives great stories over the phone about wartime Kent, V1 and V2, and what he and his friend did. Its good to talk to people who were there.He told me it was easy to de-activate an incendiary bomb but he would not touch a cannon shell! he is still very switched on.

would love to see any other V1 parts if you guys have them. Once Jean Dillen gets back to me and tells me what this part does I will let you know.

Thanks for all your help


Hello Guys,

Butterfly is correct......about one in 20 V1 rockets were fitted with a radio transmitter to check the direction of flight and these transmissions were picked up by three radar stations on the coast. Jean Dillen was better at explaining it than me but in a couple of days he is going to talk to these guys in Germany and give me a full technical write up.

In the end a non expert like myself had to do my own research to find this part after being told by 3 people that this is DEFINATELY NOT of a V1 or V2.
I feel a bit bad for the old guy(83) as I was asking him questions like "are you possitive you got this part of a V1 and not a crashed German Bomber" and " did you ever swap parts with school friends"? he was beginning to question himself!!!It was funny him saying "I dragged the part across a field to a farmers gate and carried it home were i took it into a workshop and stripped it down" When I confirmed it was what it was he was delighted. He even said that after 65 years keeping it in a box he was delighted I had it and knows by my determination how much I like the part being what it is.

I will post the rest in a couple of days.

I love the spirit on here! people really get stuck in to find the answers...and we did! The excellent links posted and interest from other members gave me the determination. I really got a buzz doing it. I was begining to give up until finding the picture...I had to blink and what a buzz it gave me.

