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That will teach me......

ahahahah!!! the worrying thing is that it has not happened yet?? Perhaps ive cooked my insides shut?? :tinysmile_cry_t2:

He Waff, i am so sorry.................................!!!!! was nice to see you runing for some water, Ben
Hey Ben, Waff,

No amount of water in the world can help when ones mouth is on fire with hotsauce!
The spicy stuff in peppers, capscicine I think it's called, is only solvable in fats.
Prolly having a gallon off olive oil might resolve any immediate and delayed effects :tinysmile_angry2_t:
Good point!! my gob only calmed down when i stuffed a greasy bacon sandwich down my throat! :xd:


Actually Waff,

a great help re chilli pain, internal only, is sugar or honey. Its a better pain relief than water or lager however probably wont help you now, before the ensuing explosion. Might help around the ringpiece though, then so might a bit of sticking plaster, certainly help contain the blast!!!:tinysmile_eyebrow_t
Hey Waff,

I learned the hard way too.
Most Indonesian restaurants in Holland provide what is called "krupuk" (pronounced "croopook"), that is a kind of fried shrimpcrackers, with their meals to the end of providing some means of tempering the heat .
As this stuff is pretty light, I usually ended up eating the lot before the meal proper, ending up with a helluva painfull sh!tter the day after :xd:


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I am sooooo glad you lot are enjoying yourself at waffy's expense! :hmpf::p
Some useful tips there chaps,but as you say they be be a little late.:tinysmile_cry_t2:


I think Waff, that you have a special connection with above, when we had the nice show from you on saterday, i went in the evening with John, Pascal sofia to an Indian restaurant, nice food good drinks, wake up at 2.00 in the night, had to run for the toilet and sit there until 6.oo am, my sunday at Stoneleigh was not good, also my good friend John makes so much noise that it was not possibel for me to sleep the first night, so last night in Dover i took a single room, and was a very happy man, slept the whole night without toilet and snorry John. but still this was a good show, met a lot of BOCN members and we had a good day with Waff and his final answer. Ben
Damn!!! I knew i should have gone ,,would have loved to have seen the waff miester with a touch of the quickstep :tinysmile_eyebrow_t
I can see i'll have to step up the heat on the home-made sauce for Beltring chaps.. BELT-RING kind a fits the topic eh! what!

regards nick
Damn!!! I knew i should have gone ,,would have loved to have seen the waff miester with a touch of the quickstep :tinysmile_eyebrow_t
I can see i'll have to step up the heat on the home-made sauce for Beltring chaps.. BELT-RING kind a fits the topic eh! what!

regards nick

:xd: Trust me Jeeensy when i say that fine sauce you made is tame compared to that bottle-of-hellfire i have here!


This story is for real, and it cost me weeks to recover.

I went to Texas, and bought a small bottle of the hotest sauce they had: Double barrel shotgun. its all in the name.

Back at home at breakfast, i tried and put a few teaspoons on my sandwich, take a bite, and spent long time with my head on fire, burning like above with Ben's sauce.

Once recovered i want to eat the sandwich, but needed a way to remove most of the sauce. Then i spotted the teabag at my wifes plate for her tea, she was still upstairs, so i thought, what the hack, and used the teabag to wipe of the sandwich. Put the teabag on het plate and went on.

She came in, and the first thing she did was,..... putting the teabag in her tea.

Then I was in a catch 22 situation, I could tell her, she gets mad, and i had no fun, or...see what happens.

So she took her tea and, Yes the most unwanted words out of the mouth of youre wife came along, then the went in the bathroom, trying to drink all the water available, and still wishing not the best too me. took days before she gots here smell back, and she didn't look, speak and the other things to and with me for a while.

So yes, chili sauce can be fun:tinysmile_fatgrin_t