The initial photo shows what is likely the VK (ВК) version of the RPG-41 (РПГ-41) anti-tank grenade, along with RDG-33 (РГД-33) anti-personnel hand grenades. It may also be referred to as the RPG-41VK, RPG-41vk and RPG-41/VK, and as the RDG-41 (РГД-41). The RDG-41 designation may be used as it is based on, and uses the firing mechanism from, an RDG-33, but with a far larger charge housing. The RPG-41vk contains ≈1 kg of TNT, where was and RDG-33 holds an ≈140 g charge.
The website, now accessible only via web archives, seems to show an RPG-41vk. This going by the handle (firing mechanism) and the size and shape of the charge housing.
The two later diagrams seem to show what they are stated to show; i.e. the RPG-41vk and a heavier (≈2,000 g), larger diameter and different firing mechanism RPG-41. The latter’s firing mechanism is essentially the same as the earlier RPG-40 (РПГ-40). The larger RPG-41 had an explosive main charge of 'Mixture L' weighting ≈1,500 g according to a Russian 1943 document on grenades.
The later photos from MT-LB would seem to show an RPG-40, and not one of the RPG-41 versions. This point of view from the design of the grenade’s handle/firing mechanism, and the size and shape of the charge housing. The RPG-40 had an explosive main charge weighting ≈760 g.
Specifications, according to official Soviet/Russian manuals, or Russian reference materials, can vary considerably.