de gustibus non est disputandum (There is no accounting for taste) You know, that is the one dangerous thing about humans, they are unpredictable and you never know what they will think about something. And on top of that, they can get a chemical imbalance or brain tumor and turn into a killer or someone that doesn't fit into society at any time. So, everyone has a differing opinion of an item, due to their frame of reference. As a piece of history and art, I like the lampshade. As a collector, German and Japanese Ordnance seem to be among the most highly sought after, but the collectors tend to overlook the horrible things that these regimes did to their prisoners and victims, because they avoid the politics involved. As has been said by others, many of us are interested in the technology of Ordnance, but in our postings and discussions, the majority know better than to glorify how well something killed or maimed and carefully avoid such statements. As an Ordnance collector and Engineer, I'm fascinated by the technology and physics of how munitions and launch systems work the same way that a car enthusiast is fascinated by a new engine or transmission. I have no interest in the politics of the leaders of the regimes or the managers of the companies that made something. One of my policies with friends, is to avoid talking or arguing politics or religion, and I would consider almost everyone in BOCN a friend. But, on the other hand, I get pissed every time I see a Mitsubishi car in the U.S., because Mitsubishi made the airplanes that bombed Pearl Harbor. There is no accounting for taste.
If the lampshade had been from an SS Artillery Unit, maybe some people would have a different opinion.
I never cease to be amazed at the things that I see here on BOCN every day! I am so thankful every day that Spotter and friends conceived BOCN, and that we get new members every day, that add to the expertise of knowledge of the items that we collect. As far as I'm concerned, until better proof comes along, Skull181 is the expert on SS lampshades. I welcome his posts, even if he is a bit casual with the word "cool". Perhaps if he had said "Cool Art Deco". To me it's history and I welcome his input. I would much rather have people submit too many posts, than miss out on seeing something that is "cool" to me. I will continue to ignore the ones that don't interest me, in the same manner that everyone else does. Play nice, don't fight!