A conversation at Chatham on Sunday made me think about showing a very unusual grenade. Known as the 'Snuff grenade' it was a very lightweight ball made of cardboard and papier mache, and fitted with a firework style igniter / burster tube. The empty grenade weighs only 132 grams. Filled with snuff it was designed to disable enemy troops by blinding them and making it hard to breath. Most probably best used in bunker clearing.
The label appears to read Captain R Glossop's One Hand Grenade. It is thought to have been made by Brocks, the fireworks maker.
The conversation on Sunday informed me that these were used operationally in 1915.
Here are some photos.

The grenade is from the Bonney / Saffery collection.
The label appears to read Captain R Glossop's One Hand Grenade. It is thought to have been made by Brocks, the fireworks maker.
The conversation on Sunday informed me that these were used operationally in 1915.
Here are some photos.

The grenade is from the Bonney / Saffery collection.
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