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Russian ADP fuze info wanted


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

I am looking for good drawings, photos of the Russian ADP bomb fuze (Взрыватель АДП). I only found one very bad quality drawing.

It seems these ADP fuzes aren't very common so the attached example from 1936 may be worth to make reproductions of the missing parts. But without dimensions it's an impossible task.


  • 401645f.jpg
    135 KB · Views: 24
This what I have Alpini



  • ADP- (01).jpg
    ADP- (01).jpg
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  • ADP (02).jpg
    ADP (02).jpg
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  • ADP (03).jpg
    ADP (03).jpg
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@Chris: Thanks a lot - those are ways better than what I found myself and at least a few dimensions are given on the second page.

@sgdbdr: Amazing! That's more than I thought. The diagrams of the single parts give me more imagination how they were made. The drawing of the wind vane from top perspective also should help a lot. Really sad, that the drawings are without dimensions but that wasn't needed for the intended purpose of the document.

@Akon: That one I want to complete is dated 36г so it can't be a ADP-7. It seems regardless the ADP, ADP-7 models there were some different material combinations. Do you know what differences are between ADP and ADP-7?

Still looking for photos of the real thing or some measurements if anyone could provide?
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Alpini regarding the АДП-7: it was adopted in 1931.
АДП-cca 1928 .
I don't know the details of its service yet.
It is described by a single document, but without technical details.
Regarding the question of the combination of materials: this is certainly addressed by the document so-called Military Standard for a specific fuse , etc .
It describes, among other things, the material details of this ammunition and the names of components, etc.
Unfortunately, I don't have it available for the ADP, ADP-7 yet.
Hi Alpini
... Sites :
BCT 81 Fuzes of the A O and ADZ type for air bombs (unfilled) - [1931]
BCT 95 Filling of high-explosive air bombs 16, 32, 82 kg. (AF 16, AF 32, AF 82) [Text]etc ...
We do not know the official standards, but we can do it
BCT : Departmental standard
ВСТ 97 8 кг. химические аэробомбы (АХ 8). (Корпуса)
ВСТ 98 8 кг. химические аэробомбы (АХ 8).
ВСТ 104 Капсюля-детонаторы Б 15 и Б 18 - [1931]
ВСТ 178 Снаряжение аэробомб АО-10; АОХ-10, АФ-50,АФ-100, АФ-250, АФ-500, АБР-500,АБР-1000, АФ-1000 и АФ-2000. Снаряжение. Взамен ВСТ 95. - [1933].
ВСТ 180 Капсюля-детонаторы (34 СТ) к взрывателям КТ-1-2, АДП, АГДТ, АГП - [1933]