Maybe this is of some help:
See attached pictures & information from Summary Technical Report of Division 4, National Defense Research Committee, Vol. 1, Radio Proximity Fuzes for Fin-Stabilized Missiles, 1946.
Note that the M-168 was originally called the T 91 or T 91-E1.
Hello John,
It's a french bomb tail fuze Schneider Remondy model 1938.
View attachment 98088
Bomb fuze, but what is interesting is the Soviets copied it and a very close copy if was used on Soviet rockets, I don;t recall the designation right now but will check for it later today.
That's exactly the reason why I asked. The russian copy is named RV-1-U and appears to be their first Radar Proximity fuze with Ram-Air-Turbine-Generator. If I'm not mistaken they got the US fuze from a downed US aircraft lifted up from the south-china-seas. That's why I asked what munition the US-fuze was meant for. The russian fuze was copied from an air to air rocket fuze. This was the first proximity fuze used in dogfights over Vietnam. The russian fuze was introduced in 1957 for the RS-1-U (K5) beam-riding missile with a burnout V of 800m/sec.(1788 mph)and a max.kill range of 3 km. The fuze had a detection radius of 10m. This fuze still used vacuum tubes.