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Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
Hello everybody,
here I am again with a riddle posed by a friend in the field.
Could anyone give us information regarding this PRAB-50J bomb (nationality (I think Ex-Yugo), type, technical characteristics, technical drawings, etc.) ?

I remember that at the end of the conflict in Ex-Yugoslavia, it was the Serbs or the Croats, I don't know anymore, who used FAB-50s as a military charge for "homemade" rockets. Could the PRAB-50J be an evolution of it ?


  • PRAB-50J-01.jpg
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PRAB ( PRobojna Avio Bomba= penetrating aerial bomb) were Yugoslavian bombs, which dimensions and body shape are almost identical to the German SD bombs of similar weight order. Similarly the Yugoslavian FAB bombs were evo;utions of the German SC bombs of similar weight order.
The main difference were the locations of the fuze pockets (nose and bottom instead of lateral pockets) , the use of AVU fuzes instead of ElAz and the shape of teh stabilizer.
Here are drawings of Yugoslavian FAB-250J & PRAB-250J

PRAB-250J _FAB.jpg

This photograph shows on the left a pair of PRAV-250J then a pair of PRAB-50J in the center. On the right something quite different - a British made BL755 cluster, introduced in JRV arsenal in the mid eighties, typically used by the Soko J-22 Orao.
PRAB-250J on left PRAB-50J center.jpg
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PRAB ( PRobojna Avio Bomba= penetrating aerial bomb) were Yugoslavian bombs, which dimensions and body shape are almost identical to the German SD bombs of similar weight order. Similarly the Yugoslavian FAB bombs were evo;utions of the German SC bombs of similar weight order.
The main difference were the locations of the fuze pockets (nose and bottom instead of lateral pockets) , the use of AVU fuzes instead of ElAz and the shape of teh stabilizer.
Here are drawings of Yugoslavian FAB-250J & PRAB-250J

View attachment 197738

This photograph shows on the left a pair of PRAV-250J then a pair of PRAB-50J in the center. On the right something quite different - a British made BL755 cluster, introduced in JRV arsenal in the mid eighties, typically used by the Soko J-22 Orao.
View attachment 197739
Great thanks, DreamK