I was visited about 3 years ago, had to take apart some of my collection to prove FFE (the nut in the case does save a lot of aggro!).
Now that's a really great idea!
Rattles around like shaking a paint can - is this a common practice?
Very interesting thread!
When you apply for your UK Collector's permits etc, does that include a "site visit" by the local Police to ensure that adequate security arrangements are in place?
In the old days, the Police only use to come and check the security arrangements for Pistol collectors /shooters. Now that has been extended over the years to cover rifles and recently prohibited weapons. (Crims were found it easier to break into residential places and take rifles, especially if the weapons were just stuffed in cupboards, under beds etc.)
Presently, when any of the licenses or permits are due for renewal, I can expect a call from the local Police to organize for a visit, where they'll check the firearms serial numbers against their records and review the security arrangements. Since there are only 3 registered shooters in my suburb and the Police have been here a few times (same Gentlemen), then yes they know who I am and I'm on the database. They are also the same Gentlemen who check the inert ordnance security arrangements, as both the firearms and inert ordnance is controlled by the Police Firearms Registry. I guess the point is that they know that I'm a bonafie collector and would hope they check their Firearms Registry prior to kicking the front doors down! :tinysmile_cry_t2:
Even with Prohibited weapons permit(s), there is always the last clause, which basically states that for whatever reason, it can be revoked at anytime........but then I have held them for over 35 years now.