Similar to Ammocat, Bonnex and Tim, the info I have (sorry, no pictures) is:
Charge Demolition No 1, 6 inch (Beehive) (was still current in 1979).
Hollow charge HE, bores holes in rock for demolition purposes.
Penetration: Armour plate 7 inches; mild steel 10 inches; hard rock 15 inches; reinforced concrete 30 inches; soft rock 36 inches.
Steel body, cone, three 5.7 inch long stand-off legs, two lifting loops and a steel cap.
Filled 6 Lb, 15 Oz, 12 Drams PETN/TNT 25/75 or RDX/TNT 50/50, PLUS TNT topping, 3 Oz CE exploder, initiated by Nos 27, 33, L1 or L2 detonator (presumably there is a modification to allow the larger diameter L series dets to be used, since the 27 and 33 are obsolete).
There was/is also a Drill Charge Demolition No 1, 6 inch.
Inert, filled RD 1088 and with a wooden block to represent the exploder.
Charge Demolition No 11, 30 Lb (Mks 1B & 2 were still in UK service in 1979)
Hollow charge HE for boring holes in rock, concrete or hard ground for demolition purposes. Sometimes known as a `nesting' charge as one can be placed on top of another for greater penetrative effect, eg a single charge can penetrate for example 6 feet of concrete, while a nesting pair can penetrate 9 feet of concrete, with a six to eight inch bore hole.
Mk 1B: Thin metal body, brass cone, three 20 inch stand-off legs.
Filled 27.5 Lb RDX/TNT with a TNT topping and 4 Oz CE exploder.
Mk 2: Steel cone.
Charge Demolition L1A1 (Necklace)
Hollow charge, for cutting bridge girders and reinforced concrete.
Consists of 5 Charges Demolition No 14, 11Lb Mk 1, 2 Clamps Demolition Necklace' 2 adjustable links and ten 6 inch nails. Each charge filled 11.25 Lb RDX/TNT 50/50 linked to other charges by cordtex threaded through perforated CE pellets.
The training version is Charge Demolition No 14, 11Lb Inert, filled pitch/sand.
Charge Demolition 125 Lb German (Cheese).
Used for cratering purposes.
Papier mache casing with two holes in the top: one 3 inch diameter filled with PE and a detonator for initiation; one 1.25 inch diameter as the main filling hole.
Removable webbing harness for carrying and positioning the charge. Top holes sealed by a 9 inch square of tarred paper shellaced in position.
Filling 120 Lb TNT Grade One & cotton wool binder 97/3
I attended a TA assault pioneer course in the mid 1980s to broaden my knowledge on the use of demolition explosives and was taught how to crater roads and destroy structures - quite interesting.