Verdun is a place where the old advice of 'Take only photographs, leave only footprints' is very sound. There have been at least 4 deaths in the area in the last few years from WW1 Ordnance.
quite right millsman.
I dont think this can be stressed enough,especialy for our younger or less experianced that want to go and explore WW1 battlefields.
i only touch things that are obviously safe.Spent bullets,empty cases and the like.
Things that you can see daylight through,or are VERY badly damaged.
Things like artillery rounds,grenades and mortars I never touch.
The risk totally out weighs the benefits of picking something up.
Its not worth losing a limb or my life.
I also think worth mentioning,is the dangers of trenches and under ground structures.
Hidden amongst the grass and weeds are tonnes of rusty wire ,caltrops and pits and craters all can be very dangerous, sharp and great at snagging or stabbing your skin and giving you tetanus or other blood disease,or worse
This stuff will go straight through a trainer easily.
You can imagine what would happen if you fell down a bank and land on or in this stuff.
Underground bunkers/tunnels are death traps,and I never enter them for the real risk of colapse or falling down somewhere,or being over come by toxic gas and not being able to get up.
Some of them are very deep,and havent been found or explored yet and i wouldnt want to become a relic.
below are images that are typical.
Ive nicked em off the net,so i appologise if they are yours.