I think so too, but when buying via SA and the likes, not having hands on the items concerned, one's pretty much dependant on pictures and/or info supplied by the seller.
There are plenty of sellers out there whom are quite knowledgable, but there are just as many that really haven't got a clue!
(I've seen dug up riflegrenades and bazooka rockets advertised on a Dutch site, the seller claiming they had been rendered safe by years underground !!!! The seller actually got pretty offensive, telling me I was a "so and so know it all", when I sent him a PM telling him he was playing with his life and those of the ones around him'. The fact he was taking this risk is due to the fact that there probably would have been someone willing to take the risk to buy such pieces!).
The point being;
( considering the inherent dangers of ordnance I mentioned in my former post) Even for the most knowledgable among us (whether selling or buying) the judgement on safety of a piece of ordnance always contains an amount of uncertainty.
Many more misjudgements are likely to happen with the inevitable "d.ckheads" selling things they know nothing about. And usually chances for a buyer to make an safety assesment in advance, when buying via the internet, are pretty meagre.
So, in the end, theres only one that can judge upon the safety of a piece of ordnance, that person being the recipient. (Thus: when in doubt dont buy and/or have sent).
To be completely honest, I once "ff-ed up" big time, buying a piece unseen (except for some pictures).
It turned out to be a live 2 cm APHE round containing a selfdestruct fuze that had been heavily meddled with, the seller being well known and, afaik, respected !!
(And to show that not even knowledge is a safeguard. This, or last, year, a licensed Dutch collector was killed trying to dismantle a German 2 cm Flak shell, this man was well aware the piece was live).
last and hopefully least; probably the one thing potentially more dangerous to ones live, other than ignorantly messing about with ordnance,.. is Spotter in a tutu,....... but thats another subject.