Someone once told me that if you had a $million dollars stash out in the backyard dilapidated shed, you wouldn't require any security at all, as no one will know about it, & it would be "secure" as it wouldn't draw any interest nor unwanted attention.....the point here I'm alluring to it that the stashed $million dollars is only know to one!
Now back to "Reality", the "Collector" (i.e. us!) is a unique species, which is highly motivated and normally suffers from "tunnel vision" (mostly from scanning Fleabay, Militaria Website, etc for the elusive bargain(s) & the occasional Playboy Mag, and in the process, neglects all other day-to-day responsibilities), but worst still, has an inherent urge to "share" their findings with all /any who displays the slighted minuscule interest towards the Collector's interest (why are we all on this forum?) So as the word gets out (which also has it (+)ve effects i.e. meeting other Collectors), then the security *RISK* increases.....
Throw into the equation that Ordnance is a rather "unsocial" theme viewed from the Public in general, frown upon by the authorities which results in "unworkable" legistration, 911, and the domino effect goes on...look at the latest Australian Customs import Bull$%$ policy!!! Unfortunately we are in the same league as shooters and gun collectors which has further complications if for example an AVO (wrongly or rightly) is issued against the Gun Owner and Prohibited Weapons Collector. The police will come and confiscate your weapons until one has been "exonerated" by the courts.
So do we stay in our isolated Man Caves and enjoy our collecting spoils with 3 very important people (me / myself / & I)? or do we venture out and share our knowledge and enjoyment with our fellow inspired Collectors?
I guess the answer comes down to "common sense" (which unfortunately is quite rare today!) A "happy medium" need to be reached for us all to remains sane - share to a degree where our security remains high! They say that it takes approx. 90 seconds to "sum" up a stranger upon meeting them, perhaps a little longer via email correspondence etc. You'll will normally get a "gut instinct" which will warn you as to what amount of information is broadcast and the other person's intention. Listen to it, it actually got me out of many "interesting situations" when I was backpacking /bumming around the world many years ago for 2yrs. It is not bullet proof, but then nothing is.
So as echoed already, take a common sense approach when dealing with new Collectors, listen to your "gut feeelings" and have some level of physical security established in your home to enjoy a good night sleep!
Happy Collecting!!
BTW - Don't use the back shed! :tinysmile_tongue_t: