I have dug through the Aberdeen Museum over the last 3 years and seen almost all of their ordnance, if they still have it I'm not sure where. I didn't see it. I will look through my stuff as well as see what I can dig up, maybe we did catalog it and I missed it.
Shortly after Picatinny closed and things were boxed up - initially to be moved to Pueblo Depot, I was sent photos on three occassions of items which had just been purchased by private collectors. I am nearly certain that these came from the collection. In each case they were items that I had seen only at Picatinny (in 30 years of very active ordnance research), and in which the photos very closely matched the items I had photographed at the museum. So the fact that you have not seen cool historical items that might have high collector interest - sad but not surprising. The same thing is happening at the EOD schools in the US and the UK as we speak, and has been for a couple of years now.