Found it, thank you.Mr Belot talks about a M-1 fuze on the 82 mm O-832 (French model) in his documents. I think you have te info.
Regards Chris
The earliest Soviet-era Russian manuals that I have, which have data within them on 82 mm mortar ammunition and their fuzes, both date from 1941.-In the 1920s, the so-called,, group D,, was established, which dealt with the construction of mortars and mines, among other things.
-In 1929, the Brandt mortar was introduced into the French army (according to Russian sources)
In 1929, Russia captured samples of the 81 mm Brandt mortar in the Russo-Chinese War.
In the period from 1930 to 1934, there were various projects and prototypes of mortars.
In 1930-1936, an 82 mm mortar was constructed on the principle of the "mine triangle", according to the idea of the French company Stockes-Brandt In 1936,
The first mines for this developmental mortar were produced in 1934.
the 82 mm mortar Mortar M 36 was introduced, then M 37 ...
Does anyone have a photo of a sample mine made in 1934 (Russian of course).
The first ammunition for the M.36 mortar with the M-1 fuze dated to 1934.?
Are you asking if it is this publication where the diagrams came from? I ask as there's no user name in your query, nor was the reply mode used.This one ?
View attachment 201426
Err, I'm not really sure what you are saying as I'm quite aware what is and what isn't primary source data?Hi Eggburt 1969 .
You can't replace primary sources of information. If you don't want to fabricate .I searched for 82-мм БМ-36 and from cca 1936 and younger and also didn't find them.However, that doesn't mean they aren't .
We're talking about original primary sources of information, not secondary sources, which Jane's, when it comes to Russia, undoubtedly is .
These are publications from this source in general.
View attachment 201454
Note that the mine marking is from 1936...
Полные таблицы стрельбы 82-мм батальонного миномёта. Осколочная мина сталистого чугуна. - М.: Воениздат, 1939. – 45 с., табл., твёрдый издательский переплёт, формат 17,2х13,5 см.
but not yet from 1936...