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Good day everyone, I was hoping for some help identifying this

One easy way to determine the material is to go to an engineering shop who have a hardness tester such as a Brinel or Vickers which uses a small ball bearing which is impressed into the material, the depth to which it indents determines the material hardness leaving only a small indent.
The easiest way is to get a file and use it to rub off the rust and if it is AP the file will just "skip" off the metal whearas if it is practice the file will slightly cut the surface and make small lines in the steel without too much damage.

Bear in mind that not all AP rounds are as hard on the tip as they are on the base due to the way in which the hardening has been done.
Thanks for the info, I will give it a try today with a file and will post some photos of my results.

It appears the projectile I have is a 25 Pr AP Shot. I was actually hoping it would be a Practice Shot, as they are probably rarer. I used a file and once I was through the rust the file basically slide across the projectile without biting into the steel at all. I then used a wire brush to remove some of the rust. Some markings are still visible on the base of the projectile and I cleaned out the tracer cavity just to be sure.

25 Pr AP Shot.jpgFile Marks 2.jpgGrinding.jpgMarkings.jpg

The area in the yellow circle indicates the area I rub the file along the projectile body. The area in the orange circle is where I got to bare metal.