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german box 7,5cm le JG 18 Ub Al


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I like to share this box, a label indeed.

Anyone could translate this warning?

here the shell
7,5cm Ub Al.jpg

best regards
Zinc fuzes are heavier than aluminium and lighter than brass fuzes

Fire only if the shot (the target) can be observed.

The lower two lines are about range deviation compared to firing tables for shells with aluminium and brass fuzes.


Zinkzünder (Zn. Z.), schwerer als Aluminium- und leicher als Messingzünder

Zinc fuzes, heavier than aluminum fuzes and lighter than brass fuzes.

7,5 cm Infanteriegranat 18 mit leichter Infanteriegranatzünder 23 neuer Art (Zink)

nur im beobachteten Schuß verwenden

Use the 7,5 cm infantry shell model 18 with the zinc light infantry fuze Z., model 23 (newer model) only when using observed fire.

Beim verschießsena) nach Schußtafel H. Dv. 119/291 (= Heeres-Dienstvorschrift) (Ms Z) (= Messingzünder) ist mit Weitschüssen bis 60 m,
b) nach Schußtafel H. Dv. 119/292 (Lm Z) (= Leichtmetallzünder) ist mit Kurzschüssen of up to 60 m 180 meter zu rechnen

When firinga) according to the firing table in Army Service regulation 119/291, you need to take into account that long rounds of up to 60 metres may occur,
b) according to the firing table in Army Service regulation 119/291, you need to take into account that short rounds of up to 180 metres may occur.