Good question Pete!
In fact John is correct, the 106mm recoiless was originally designated as a 105mm, I have a reference someplace that explains that it was re-designated to avoid confusion by units ordering ammunition. So the pieces seen identified as 105mm RR are generally very early pieces.
I don't have the nomenclature of my photographed round with me, and its about 4000 miles away, so that will have to wait.
John, in regard to the flechette from the 2.75, BLU-97 was kind enough to allow me to snatch a few from both the 2.75 and the 105mm. I've decided that, while I do not fully consider the flechette as a submunition, it is worthy of documenting and that is as good a place for me to put it as any. When I return home I'll start individually photographing what I have, recording the size, weight (in grains) and the carrier munition. I've begun by segregating those I've recently recovered, as they were removed from their carriers. I want to avoid the situation where you are given some pieces with the usual statement - these came from, ummm, I think it was a rocket....
Here are photos of what I received yesterday, I'll photograph them when I am home, I have better lights, scales, etc and can do a much better job. Its easy to see from these photos how, even with a decent scale, the size can be deceptive. The 2.75 flechette is significantly larger than the one from the 105mm, but its only when they are side by side that you can really see it.