Hi V40,Canberra canopy,the canopy I am describing was permenantly attached to the airframe,the crew entered through a crew access door just below the cockpit on the right side of the aircraft,when the pilot needed to eject the entire canopy lifted and was taken by the slipstream,leaving the pilot sitting in a big hole in the top of the nose section,on later Marks of Canberras fitted with the fighter style cockpit the windscreen stayed with the aircraft while just the bubble part of the canopy was ejected as with the Sabre,Hunter,Vulcan,and many other types,The ejection sequence on the Hunter(if my memory is still working)had a T handle between the pilot knees,when pulled this fired a cable cutter that severed the controls and allowed the control column to be automatically pulled forward out of the way of the pilots knees plus there were straps around the pilots legs which when the T handle was pulled fired a device which snatched the pilots legs back towards his seat thus minimising the danger to the pilots legs as he ejected,from your descriptions ejecting from an aircraft was fraught with danger made even worse as the aircraft got faster,