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Dimensions 37 mm Skoda infantry support gun


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know the dimensions of the shell case? Is it 103 mm long?


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No source for the length, I do have an 37x103R in my references but no image. I read about 37 mm Skoda a lot but still no proof of shell case dimensions.
Hi Hoeksel
Skoda did not produce a single 37mm cannon, that's for sure.
So I'm wondering where you got that photo from.
Of course, a museum...can you give a link to that photo?
Thanks AKON! Maybe our Swedish members can help here. Hope to get the actual dimensions and a head stamp!

D/27 is L/27 I assume (and not 1927).
Thanks AKON! Maybe our Swedish members can help here. Hope to get the actual dimensions and a head stamp!

D/27 is L/27 I assume (and not 1927).
Hi Hoeksel
..Yes, d/27 is the expression of the barrel length in multiples of the caliber, I already wrote that it was the year 1921 of the production of those guns according to the museum data.
25 years ago I definitely had a description of that ammunition of about 6 to 10 sheets and within that a drawing of the cartridge assembly.
But suspicious operations and confusion on the disk and the disappearance of files I already buried those documents and switched completely to Linux ....

I vaguely remember that it had a rather atypical front ogival, i.e. like those wooden dummies,
that's why I wrote to you that it was for the same gun and the shape matches.
Hi Hoeksel
According to the data on the gun, the year is 03, i.e. 1903. So we are looking for something older than 1921. That confused me a bit. Before I went through the link in the museum...I have data that the length of the cartridge is definitely 101 mm, not 103 mm. The drawing of the cartridge that I saw also states 101 mm.The drawing was dated Skoda 1903.


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Suggestions on where to look, or others are welcome.
PS. around 1908 Skoda exported 37mm cannons to Colombia +8000 rounds of ammunition. I don't know what version it was. What I do know is that the ammunition is not identical to the d/27.
I doubt if the 37x101R43,5 and the drawing are the same shell case to be honest as the one from Sweden I show. The standard 37x94R has a rim diameter of 44 mm and if you look at the neck of the shown 37 mm Skoda I would expect the rim diameter to be > 44 mm. Also the neck on the drawing looks different then the one of the shell case.

I think we have 2 types of 37 mm Skoda shell cases, a 37x101R43,5 (unknown to me, great find) but I think the Swedish one is different.
Hi Hoexel
Completely agree that it is not identical cartridges Sweden and the drawing.
True, true, there is a significant difference.
In the drawing, the neck is 2 mm smaller in diameter than the cartridge. On the cartridge sample, it is significantly larger.
The sad news overall is that the 37mm is far more than 2 different types, so if we are talking about the years from 1990 to 1933 from Skoda production.

According to the source : https://sfhm.se/wp-content/uploads/...rtilleripjaser-och-eldrorsvapen-1800-2000.pdf (page 239)
It states the name: 37 mm infkan fm/22plus text: In 1921-22, three different experimental models of the infkan fm/22 were purchased, but were not produced.Two examples of the 37 mm infkan fm/22 were purchased from Škoda, along with one from a French manufacturer and a British 3-pounder.

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I think I have good new, I just found out the Dutch army museum has a book titled "Canon d'infanterie de 37 mm L/27" dated 1928 and I found it when looking for Skoda materiels. It will take time, but I will request to check out and copy this book.
I think I have good new, I just found out the Dutch army museum has a book titled "Canon d'infanterie de 37 mm L/27" dated 1928 and I found it when looking for Skoda materiels. It will take time, but I will request to check out and copy this book.
This is perhaps a step forward in the reliable identification of those parameters that we do not know. I am interested in a copy of the book, of course :)
Ammunition: 37x101R43.5
In connection with the drawing of the cartridge (L-101) displayed here. I found more information about the ammunition.
Škoda exported 8000 cartridges to Colombia in 1908 (one non-company source states 8000 cartridges)
In the attachment is a sample from the description of the weapon and ammunition where it really says the cartridge length is 101mm. (it only has a fragment of the description)

Now it is confirmed from another (company) source what the drawing belongs to.
While searching for the L-103mm cartridge (Swedish trace), I found another Škoda: 37x124R48.2 cartridge where the name of the drawing also states the weapon - Mitrailleuse M.00, i.e. year 1900 (Škoda).


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The Dutch army museum also has a book on a Skoda M1902 mitralleusse I also plan to check out. Caliber unknown until I see it.

The 37x124R48,2 is also new to me, nice!