Thanks PC ...Yes , you have no idea AND , it was pretty funny too because one of my
Illustrious Neighbors saw it being delivered and call the ?Code Enforcement? agents from City Hall the City Car pulls up as they were taking it off the Truck (small town so , almost everyone knows everybody) he looked at the Gun ? looked at me ? back at the Gun ?looked back at me , smiled , shrugged his shoulders and drove off . It seems there?s no City Ordinance for owning your own Anti-Tank Gun so ..he left.
I quickly called the Chief of Police , he's as much of a History Buff as we are. I told him I just had a new item delivered and ..what happened.
He told me to keep a Tarp over it

All of our Neighbors are great and get a kick out our Hobby .I only have one Neighbor that- ahh --Makes my life
interesting so ?what the hell , what would you make sure was Down Range.
They were not amused.
Rule #1 in this Hobby -- Military Collectors have a different sense of Humor
Here are 3 great pics I borrowed
gives some insight into the production and time-line