Here's the info on the 45mmm COMVAT. Weights to follow when I get around to replacing the battery in the scales I have.
COMVAT dimensions. Measurements taken from actual specimens. 5[SUP]th[/SUP] April 2014.
Case. CTA case with rounded base
Length 300 to 304mm (rounded base)
External diameter 69.75mm
Diameter measured in groove 63.80mm
Diameter of primer hole 21.17mm
Internal diameter of case at mouth 46.15mm
Thickness of case measured at case mouth 11.80mm
Projectile type 1 (black painted). 3 piece sabot with penetrator. This came with the case
Length of penetrator including fin 264mm
Diameter of penetrator measured by fin 13.28mm
Length of fin only 45.37mm
Width of fin at widest point 38.04mm
Width of forward band 5.45mm
Thickness of forward band 2.60mm (at lip) 1.90mm (not at lip)
Internal diameter of forward band 40.89mm
Width of rear band 11.42mm
Thickness of rear band 2.45mm
Internal diameter of rear band 41.43mm
Max diameter of sabot 44.90mm
Length of sabot 150.94mm
Diameter of sabot at narrowest point 21.55mm
Projectile type 2 (unpainted). 3 piece sabot with penetrator
Length of penetrator including fin 228mm
Diameter of penetrator measured by fin 11.62mm
Length of fin only 37.59mm
Width of fin at widest point 29.35mm
Width of forward band 5.45mm
Thickness of forward band 1.95mm (no lip)
Internal diameter of forward band 41.00mm
Width of rear band 11.42mm
Thickness of rear band 2.00mm
Internal diameter of rear band 41.00mm
Max diameter of sabot 44.90mm
Length of sabot 133.50mm
Diameter of sabot at narrowest point 18.84mm
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