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37 x 228


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I've put this in the experimental section because I can't find any reference to it anywhere else.
Its a 1920's dated 37mm round with a case length of 228mm (NOT the usual 222mm WW2 dated American one but otherwise very similar),
Plenty of stamping etc, see attached photos. The projectile is crimped in and won't come out, its been emptied through the primer hole.
If anyone has any information the same case type with a different projectile I'd be interested in hearing from you.
INERT etc.


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I've just been sent the following information:-

37X228 SR. Rim dia 50mm 37mm VAD Colt license experimental (E.O.C. 1929).

Any thoughts anyone?

EOC is Elswick Ordnance Co

They originally were in competition with Vikers. Did Vikers take them over at some time after WW1 ?
Elswicks & Vickers

According to the notes I have, Elswick Ordnance Co was founded about 1847. In 1864 they merged with Elswick Engine Co to form Sir W. G. Armstrong & Co, then in about 1882 this company merged with Charles Mitchell to form Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell & Co., and this company then merged with Sir Joseph Whitworth & Co in 1897 to become Armstrong-Whitworth.
In the meantime, Vickers, Sons & Co had merged with the Maxim Nordenfelt Gun & Ammunition Co in 1896 to form Vickers, Sons & Maxim. At some subsequent point they changed their name to Vickers Ltd, and in 1927 they merged with Armstrong-Whitworth to form Vickers Armstrong.
Although Elswick's name changed several times as their engineering base broadened, their armaments side stayed in production up until after WW1, and continued to use the EOC mark. Likewise, Vickers continued to use the VSM mark until after WW1. Be interesting to know the latest date for EOC and VSM stamped cases, and the earliest date for VAEL.

VSM used two different logos, V.S.M and VSM in a circle which was the earliest. My sumwhat limited info gives the following case dates; EOC 1896 to 1927, VSM 1901 to 1928, VAEL 1937 to 1960, VAD no cases marked with this. Perhaps some one out there has ones outside the dates given and can add to this. 2pr
Thanks for the comments guys (and the quick useful history lesson ydnum303).

Yeah, sorry about the history lecture; probably telling everyone what they already knew! :tinysmile_shy_t:
Re headstamps, I see I have a 3-pdr case with a VAEL mark, dated 1928, although my latest dated VSM case is 1918.
Could you verify the rim diameter? My 1930 dated case has a rim diameter of 51.6 mm and I am wondering if it is a different one.
Could you verify the rim diameter? My 1930 dated case has a rim diameter of 51.6 mm and I am wondering if it is a different one.

Hi no sorry it got swapped out of my collection a few years ago so I can't measure it.

I found an owner of this case and he verified the rim measurement is wrongly documented: it is 51.5 according him while I measured 51.8 on my case, while it is documented as 50 mm.
Late addition, I also had such a case in my collection dated 1930 for export. Never was really sure on the receiving country, could have been South-Africa (where it was found) or Turkey (my best estimate based on the head stamp). Head stamp was "37 MM [K]" "VAEL" "1930" "TAK No:2" with a "1930 VAD TNU I" primer.