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Cutaway models of several 30x 173 cartridges as used in the Gau -8A Anvenger gatling gun, the Goalkeeper CIWS, and the 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster gun.
The Gau-8 has a firing rate of 3.900 rpm. The standard ammunition mixture for anti-armor use is a four-to-one mix of PGU-14/B Armor-Piercing Incendiary (API), with a projectile weight of about 15.0 oz (425 grams or 6,560 grains) and PGU-13/B High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds, with a projectile weight of about 12.7 oz (360 grams). The PGU-14/B round incorporates a depleted uranium penetrator. The Avenger is lethal against tanks and any other armored vehicles.
A very important innovation in the design of the GAU-8/A shells is the use of aluminum alloy cases in place of the traditional steel or brass. This alone adds 30% to ammunition capacity for a given weight. The shells also have plastic driving bands that tripple barrel life.
Films showing the Gau-8 in action:
(notice that one fires PGU 13/b HE shells (Yellow)
The Goalkeeper is a Dutch design CIWS (Close In Weapon System) designed by Holland signaal. It is an autonomous functioning system consisting of a GAU-8/A Avanger gatling gun (4200 rpm in 200 rnds bursts), a Search and a track radar and a computer. The system can track up to 18 targets and descide which has priority in destruction. Several goalkeepers on one ship can function apart or as a “team”.
Films showing the Goalkeeper in action:
The Bushmaster Mk44 as used in the USMC's Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV):
The ammunition for the guns:
1- The PGU (Projectile Gun Unit) 16/b dummy. The projectile has been connected to the shellcase by means of an allan screw which is placed in the primer pocket. Length of round 290 mm.
2- The PGU-15/b Target Practice (TP). In shape it mainly resembles the PGU-13/b
3/4- The PGU-13/b High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) cartridge.
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 662 grams
Projectile weight: 360 grams
Muzzle velocity: 1021 mtrs/sec
The projectile No.3 has a double drivingband and is manufactured by Aerojet Ordnance Company, projectile No.4 with the single red drivingband has been manufactured by ATK.
The projectile is fuzed with the M505 nose impact fuze.
The M505 nose impact fuze is made of seven parts:
-the steel fuze housing
-the detonator ball
-the U shaped red copper clamp (around the det. ball)
-the booster cap
-the collared firing pin
-the ballistic nose tip.
The detonator Ball has a channel, containing the detonator. In rest this channel is out of line with the firing pin so the firing pin cannot reach the detonator. A U shaped red copper calmp fixates the ball in this position.
On firing, the U shaped clamp is forced open by the centrifugal force, releasing the ball. The centrifugal force will now start to throw the heaviest part of the ball outward, thereby turning the detonator channel in line with the centerline of the projectile.
On impact, the ballistic cap is hammered inward, pushing the firing pin down (ripping it of the collar) into the detonator. This will set of the detonator, the booster (white) and the main charge.
5- The PGU-15/b Target Practice (TP)
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 667 grams
Projectile weight: 365 grams
Muzzle velocity: 1018 mtrs/sec
6- The PGU-14/b Armour Piercing Incendiary (API). This is the round housing the infamous Deplated Uranium (DU) penetrator.
Penetration of the projectile : 69 mm at 500 mtrs, 38 mm at 1000 mtrs
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 727 grams
Projectile weight: 425 grams
Muzzle velocity: 983 mtrs/sec
** This cutaway model has a mild steel fake core, it contains NO!! deplated uranium**
7- The APDS (armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) projectile. After leaving the barrel the white sabots are ripped off, only the core continues. The type with the white sabot is the older type and not currently in use
8- The MPDS (Missile Piercing Discarding Sabot). The later type of cartridge as in use now with the dutch navy. After piercing the target, the core braks into a cloud of smaller pieces that act as shrapnell. This in contrast to the APDS projectile that mainly remains in one piece.
Regards , DJH:tinysmile_grin_t:
The Gau-8 has a firing rate of 3.900 rpm. The standard ammunition mixture for anti-armor use is a four-to-one mix of PGU-14/B Armor-Piercing Incendiary (API), with a projectile weight of about 15.0 oz (425 grams or 6,560 grains) and PGU-13/B High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds, with a projectile weight of about 12.7 oz (360 grams). The PGU-14/B round incorporates a depleted uranium penetrator. The Avenger is lethal against tanks and any other armored vehicles.
A very important innovation in the design of the GAU-8/A shells is the use of aluminum alloy cases in place of the traditional steel or brass. This alone adds 30% to ammunition capacity for a given weight. The shells also have plastic driving bands that tripple barrel life.
Films showing the Gau-8 in action:
(notice that one fires PGU 13/b HE shells (Yellow)
The Goalkeeper is a Dutch design CIWS (Close In Weapon System) designed by Holland signaal. It is an autonomous functioning system consisting of a GAU-8/A Avanger gatling gun (4200 rpm in 200 rnds bursts), a Search and a track radar and a computer. The system can track up to 18 targets and descide which has priority in destruction. Several goalkeepers on one ship can function apart or as a “team”.
Films showing the Goalkeeper in action:
The Bushmaster Mk44 as used in the USMC's Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV):
The ammunition for the guns:
1- The PGU (Projectile Gun Unit) 16/b dummy. The projectile has been connected to the shellcase by means of an allan screw which is placed in the primer pocket. Length of round 290 mm.
2- The PGU-15/b Target Practice (TP). In shape it mainly resembles the PGU-13/b
3/4- The PGU-13/b High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) cartridge.
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 662 grams
Projectile weight: 360 grams
Muzzle velocity: 1021 mtrs/sec
The projectile No.3 has a double drivingband and is manufactured by Aerojet Ordnance Company, projectile No.4 with the single red drivingband has been manufactured by ATK.
The projectile is fuzed with the M505 nose impact fuze.
The M505 nose impact fuze is made of seven parts:
-the steel fuze housing
-the detonator ball
-the U shaped red copper clamp (around the det. ball)
-the booster cap
-the collared firing pin
-the ballistic nose tip.
The detonator Ball has a channel, containing the detonator. In rest this channel is out of line with the firing pin so the firing pin cannot reach the detonator. A U shaped red copper calmp fixates the ball in this position.
On firing, the U shaped clamp is forced open by the centrifugal force, releasing the ball. The centrifugal force will now start to throw the heaviest part of the ball outward, thereby turning the detonator channel in line with the centerline of the projectile.
On impact, the ballistic cap is hammered inward, pushing the firing pin down (ripping it of the collar) into the detonator. This will set of the detonator, the booster (white) and the main charge.
5- The PGU-15/b Target Practice (TP)
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 667 grams
Projectile weight: 365 grams
Muzzle velocity: 1018 mtrs/sec
6- The PGU-14/b Armour Piercing Incendiary (API). This is the round housing the infamous Deplated Uranium (DU) penetrator.
Penetration of the projectile : 69 mm at 500 mtrs, 38 mm at 1000 mtrs
Round length: 290 mm
Round weight: 727 grams
Projectile weight: 425 grams
Muzzle velocity: 983 mtrs/sec
** This cutaway model has a mild steel fake core, it contains NO!! deplated uranium**
7- The APDS (armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) projectile. After leaving the barrel the white sabots are ripped off, only the core continues. The type with the white sabot is the older type and not currently in use
8- The MPDS (Missile Piercing Discarding Sabot). The later type of cartridge as in use now with the dutch navy. After piercing the target, the core braks into a cloud of smaller pieces that act as shrapnell. This in contrast to the APDS projectile that mainly remains in one piece.
Regards , DJH:tinysmile_grin_t:
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