Please ignore what I’ve written above – most of it is wrong. Seven years later - I’ve learnt a bit more
2" MOR I MW, tail - FD Ltd Z
MW – Mitcham Works, (latterly Philips Lamps)
FD = Fry's Die Castings, Ltd., London
Z = Zinc Based alloy, Mazak
2" MOR I O(or U)G, tail FD Ltd
FD = Fry's Die Castings, Ltd., London
2" MOR I RC, tail - C.W.S. Z & TA&S
RC – Raleigh Cycles?
C.W.S. = C W S., Ltd. (Die casters) Birmingham.
TA&S = T. Adshead, Birmingham
2" MOR I V&W in diamond, tail - K Z
V&W – not known.
K – not known.
2" MOR I MAR in circle, tail MAR in circle
MAR – Louis Marx, Ltd. (Toy manufacturers) Waddam’s Pool Works, Hall Street, Dudley, Worcs.
“ Marx” TN 4261 to 4264
Louis Marx was the ‘Henry Ford’ of toy manufacturing and apart from having three very big factories in the US, he had factories throughout the world including the UK. In the absence of a filling factory monongram or other details, I’m opting for the UK as country of manufacture. Examination of the ‘A’ in the trademark shows that is also an ‘X’.
2" MOR I D.E.I.L. tail - G in circle
DEIL - Dominion Electrohome Industries Ltd, Kitchener, Ontario Canada.
G in circle - Galt Metal Industries, Ontario
IFS - International Flare and Signal Company, Waterloo, P.Q.
BDC - Barber Die Castings, Ontario
2" MOR. II Wt/C. S.R. 269, tail - PC in shield
WT/C Macdonald's Chemical Co., Waterloo, Canada
S.R.269 Identifies the pyrotechnic smoke composition (CaSi, Hexachloroethane, Zinc oxide mix)
PC (in shield) Pressure Castings (Toronto), Toronto, Canada
S-W Sunshine Waterloo company ltd, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
I notice that the cap has a lifting strap and from my limited knowledge of these items this makes it a “Bomb, Smoke 2” Bomb Thrower” not a “Bomb, ML, Smoke, 2” Mortar” – the former were for use in AFVs.