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What kind of Mortar Fuse or what else?


New Member
Hi all Specialist in Ammunition of WWII

This Item was found 20 years ago in the Normandie. Maybe it's a Mortar Fuse. Can give me somebody more Information about it? More Pics, tecnical Draw's or anything else?

Thanks a lot



Looks very similar to a No 162 Mortar fuze to me still with it transit cap on-however I see no threads for the Fuze to screw into the bomb body unless they have eroded away ?
Potentially filled and very hazardous-beware.
Looks to me like a 2" He round with the fins mising. Could well be live and would reccomend you report it to the relevant authority.
That wants calling into your local authoritys ,to be disposed of properly
I would have to agree with those the post previously. The appropriate authorities should be contacted and this item should be properly disposed of. From your photo the diameter is right for 2 inch mortar. I have modified one of your photos and added some for comparison.

PICT4898 mod.jpg2 inch HE 5a mod.jpg2 inch mod.jpg
Thank you for your safty advise. I'm from local authority. The Fuse ist now in the "right Hands", but before we destroy it, we want to know what it is exactly. In Switzerland we didn't have so much knowledge about foreign and old Ammunition, so I hope that one of you could help me.
Thank you for your safty advise. I'm from local authority. The Fuse ist now in the "right Hands", but before we destroy it, we want to know what it is exactly. In Switzerland we didn't have so much knowledge about foreign and old Ammunition, so I hope that one of you could help me.

check your email inbox Hexogen
Thank you SPOTTER for the interesting Mail.

Now we know it's the 'Body' of a 2-in. Mortar. What's inside TNT or Phosphor is not to identify - maybe after disposal - will see...

THX to all of you in this forum for the fast answers and suggestion.

Stay safe and good luck