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US Rifle Grenade Display


Here are some pictures of the Rifle Grenade Display I did this last weekend at the National Gun Day Show in Louisville, Ky. It was a lot of fun and I had a great time. Take a look and let me know what you think.

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Hi again:
I only can say WOW. Very nice and complet display. Really nice. Are all the rifles in live condition?

Yes, all the rifles are fully functional. The display is still a work in progress (aren't they all) and my goal is to cover the complete period of US Military Rifle Grenade use from pre-WWI thru the Vietnam era. The problem is, I've managed to get most of the "Easy" stuff and now I have to find the rare stuff.

Ah, the hunt continues...................:neutral:
Buf, the "rare stuff" means a lot of money for only one piece. Always is the same... Really I envy the US collectors, here in Spain somebody with what you have in your table would go to the jail as fast as the light.
nice grenades. is that a super rare Babbit rifle grenade in the rifle on the first pic? if so, could you do a close op pic of it?:tinysmile_shy_t:
cheers, paul.

I wish, unfortunately it is only a repo of a Babbit Grenade that I made up for display. I am still looking for an original Babbit if anyone knows where one might be..............:neutral:

nice grenades. is that a super rare Babbit rifle grenade in the rifle on the first pic? if so, could you do a close op pic of it?:tinysmile_shy_t:
cheers, paul.
Very impressive! What's your take on the 1903A3 vietnamese sung fung lu dan launchers? I was told by a reliable source that they were made state side and never issued, yet I have read that they were made in vietnam (brophy's book).
Very impressive! What's your take on the 1903A3 vietnamese sung fung lu dan launchers? I was told by a reliable source that they were made state side and never issued, yet I have read that they were made in vietnam (brophy's book).

Take my reply for what it is worth because I just know what I've been told. My understanding is that the Modified M7's were in fact made in Vietnam but, Bill Ricca has also produced copies of these stateside.
VB Rifle Grenade Mark I

A very handsome display is it all your collection? Below is some info on the VB-1. I had threee of them long ago but gave them to a buddy. Our EOD team found a pile of them in the middle of a lake.
Best Regards,
John aka Bart
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Color plate of the VB-1
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Truely a very impressive display and collection, now know mine is really still in the early stage. got spares:xd: that you can export?