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Unknown WW1 8,8 cm or 9cm Projectile


account suspended

I found this recently in my favorite location. Just a little background that may help with ID, the area was used by the Germans through WW2. The French also trained at this location from 1918 till about 1930.

Dimensions are as follows: Height 39.5cm/Base 8cm/Middle 8,8 or 9cm/Fuze well just under 4,5cm with two copper drive bands one narrower than the other. About half way from the bottom there is a line around the projectile where it begins to widen(visible in picture). After an extensive cleaning I managed to remove the clay from the inside of the projo. To my dismay it is filled with asphalt or tar, from midway to the bottom. This leads me to believe it is either a practice round or an experimental round. Can anyone tell me what fuse might fit this round? Any help with ID would be greatly appreciated.
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If that is true what is it doing on a German training ground during WW1 when the French didn't arrive there until 1918? Were the Germans maybe testing them?
which fuse would fit this? It must be missing the adapter ring then. None of my french fuses will fit this.....
yes, it is missing the adapter for 24-31 mm thread. It is the same Adapter as on 75 mm shells Mle. 1897.
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