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unknown Grenade


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
I am looking for information about these 2 grenades ( could be rifle grenades fired from a Cup) system looks like mills, found in the UK many years ago diameter is 60 mm any information is welcome. regards Ben


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Are you sure it is a grenade? It looks very much like a variant of an Italian Spezzone (= air-dropped bomblet, what is called in French "grenade d'aviation").
Here's a Frag spezzone (2kg Tipo F) :

Yours could be a 1kg Tipo F.I. (incendiary) - identical but without the fragmentation rings. Diameter 64 mm
(the more common incendiary Tipo I had a welded body with sharp angles on the upper side, not pressed with rounded angles as this version)

Screenshot 2024-05-12 061621.jpg

Such spezzone may have been dropped over the UK between October 1940 and February 1941 by the Corpo Aereo Italiano - no less than 200 Italian aircraft, mainly Fiat Br29 bombers escorted by Fiat cr42 fighter-bombers, based in Belgium that operated over Britain at the side of the Luftwaffe.
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bonjour, ça ressemble un peu à un corps de grenade a fusil antichar n 68, dépourvu d'ailettes , peut être un prototype
Thank you for the response i agree with Pat, i think its a prototype of the No 68
