I have spent years trying to ID this projectile to no avail. Hopefully some member can shed some light on it. It is 3 3/8" (85mm) in diameter and 7.5" (190mm) long. The base is lead and designed to expand into rifling on firing. There is no rotating band. A large reverse threaded screw in the base holds it all together and tightens a moveable disc with one hole in it. Spaced around the inside of the lead obturator are the numbers 1 thru 5 embossed into the lead to denote firing delay times basaed on where the hole in the disc is aligned. A cavity in the projectile was filled with a bursting charge. You can see that the entire projectile comes apart to present 20 cavities where I assume 1/2" lead or steel balls were placed for fragmentation. The projectile is very heavy (9.6 pounds without the bursting charge or the 20 balls) and in my mind a very inefficient way to deliver a small fragmentation charge. The steel/cast iron projectile body is much to solid to fragment itself with the small explosive charge (no doubt black powder given the age) it contains.