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United States Ordnance Company, Washington D.C.



For the love of me I cannot find anything on this corporation.
Are they still in business?

Was this a federal or private enterprise? When were they active?

Thanks for any leads.
Anybody know about what they produced after WWII?
OK, I guess they went out of business?
Can someone verify please? And if yes, when?

Maybe they merged were bought by someone?
Dragontooth, I remember that there was an article about them in the IAA Journal a while back, but I don't have access to them at this time. I think that they were a conglomerate to cut down on cut throat competition and duplication of effort in the early to mid 1900's. They were formed of some well known names, but I can't think of who exactly. I know it doesn't help much. Cheers, Bruce.
I do know that there was an American Ordnance Company.
There was also an American Projectile Company back in the 1860s