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Ummm,what the?????


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine sent me a short vid with this unknown item. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.. The tail fins are spring loaded.

P.S.No,thats not Santa holding it,,,,,,,,:tinysmile_fatgrin_t

Unknown 003.jpgUnknown 002.jpgUnknown 001.jpg
Maybe some sort of CS type projectile ,like the true flite ones?
The probe looks similar to them and they have spring out fins ,though they are made of spring steel so lighter.
Does it look about 38 / 40mm?

Yes sir,Id say its in that area of size. I dont actually have it in hand here at the house. The man holding it is of average size though. Id also say it has to be in the 12in range,maybe a little bigger.

I hate to do all this guessing and I apologise for that. Im hoping someone may recognise it by sight.
Sorry,sorry,sorry,again,sorry. The dude that has it sent me a vid message. I had to take a photo of the screen of the last frame of the vid. And I dont know how to download the vid here.

Come on John,I know you know what it is,your teasing me arent you,,,,lol
Honest Lou, I don't know what it is. If it is a CS grenade, that would be a good reason, because I have no interest in that stuff. But, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a blurry picture is worth about four (it's too damn blurry). Did you put your Dvd player on pause whe you shot the photos, or did you shoot them on the fly?
It is a practice version of one the commercial riot control barricade penetrating rounds used by police. Don't recall which one off-hand, but the spike is so that they can shoot it into the barricade in practice, it will stick, they can then recover it and reload it and shoot again. I've got at least one spike version of a different model in the collection, and I think a standard model similar to this one.

There is very little data on the commercial stuff unless you happen to have the manufacturers catalog. There was a very good book put out in the 60s by Swearengen, but since then only a couple pieces in a book here and there. At the same time there have been many manufacturers - Penguin, Federal, Lake Erie, Smith & Wesson were some of the big early ones, but there was another surge in the 80s and 90s. This is an earlier design, but some still hang around in police armament.
Kahu1 called it. Tru-Flight Barricade projectile, 1960s and later, made by Lake Erie Chemical Corp. Here's a photo of a couple of mine. I've taken a picture of a different model with a similar training spike for comparison.

Honest Lou, I don't know what it is. If it is a CS grenade, that would be a good reason, because I have no interest in that stuff. But, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a blurry picture is worth about four (it's too damn blurry). Did you put your Dvd player on pause whe you shot the photos, or did you shoot them on the fly?

Only four words???? Heck Id give it at least a 5 or 6 words???? Lol,,,

Funny part is that is the last frame of the vid. I looked for a half hour looking for a way to save the last frame as a photo. Noooooo luck there,being the computer dope I am.

And thank you guys for your help,,,I appreciate it..
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