I am a bit baffled as to why they expect Mr,Cundall to "apologise" if they dont find any crated aircraft,he is only going on the evidence he has to hand,what else can he do,in the 70s we dug the crash site of a Spitfire,this was located in a plantation which had mature trees,recovery was completed,some years later on returning to the site after the trees had been felled and new ones planted we found it impossible to locate the crash site,in Burma the airfield could have been enlarged or the jungle could have encroached closer to the boundry of the airfield,over the space of so many years so many things have changed,memories fade and he has to glean what he can from the few remaining eye witnesses,I wish him all the very best in his quest and I dont expect an apology if he does not find anything,he does however deserve some kind of reward for his determination and tenacity,somehow I doubt he is doing it for any kind of reward,finding the aircraft would be reward enough for him,