I can understand dust, but I also understand that you can sit down and design the biggest baddast most wonderful shelf or display case, and in a few months or a few years your collection will no longer fit it, or not work out with the current design as you would then like to display it. All this being said, maybe start out with something flexible like a 2 X 12 on cinder blocks, or even a book case, that has the adjustment tracks on the sides to adjust how tall the shelves are. You can buy those perforated strips and nail on the inside of a box, so you can adjust the shelves yourself. Rearrange your collection a few times, figure out what goes with what and how you want it organized. Today you might want it organized by cartridge size, tomorrow you might want it organized by country, or by the time period (WWI versus WWII, Korea, Nam, Gulf, etc.) The key for me, is to have something that is adjustable so that when the contents change, you can change the spacing on the shelves. Glass is great to have in front of a case to keep hands and dirt out, but its a pain to photograph through, and if you want to take things out to look at them or show them to people, then you are constantly opening the doors. A little thinking and pondering as to how you want to show and display and enjoy your collection will save you a lot of time later on.