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Schindler shells


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In the film "Schindlers list" he owns an ammunition factory. If you google this there are various vague references to the factory including one which says:
"Though classified as an armaments factory, the Brunnlitz plant produced just one wagon load of live ammunition in just under eight months of operation".
I was just wondering if anyone had a shell that had been made in this factory, what is the headstamp and type of shell etc. I'm guessing as only the one wagon load was produced that shell cases made in the Schindler factory are very rare.
the first question would be if they made any ammunition components at least. I have big doubts about the words "live ammunition" as only very large factories like DWM or Rheinmetall-Borsig had own filling factorys to produce live ammunition. I could immagine that Schindlers factory produced light ammunition components made from sheet metal like handgrenade parts, etc. but never something ready to use. And I think there are not a few statements in the internet which have the film fiction as its roots like the small children polishing cartridge cases inside with their small fingers ;-)

Btw. in the internet some sellers are making money with fake "Wehrmacht" cookware with "mtd" code - what an ill world...
To my knowledge, only so-called -Halbzeuge- were produced in the factories of Schindler. He was assemblies supplier of armaments factories of its parts to a Fertigbrodukt. To my knowledge, were the Schindler speak in a munitions factories NOT use sharp. Ammunition manufactured parts. I am also not known, the seen as in the film cartridge cases were produced.