Yesterday while at the SLICS show I observed a 1/10th scale 120mm HEAT projectile which was described as used for wind tunnel testing. There was some further discussion by the owner in regard to whether or not any down-sized pieces had ever been fired.
This led to a deeper discussion on the use of down-sized ordnance for flight type testing purposes. In this I am not refering to sub-caliber items, but items that were developmental, shrunken versions of prototype or adopted items, with a close contruction and shape.
Has anyone got any information on programs or testing of this type? I've got two pieces that I will try to post later which are suspected, but so far have not been confirmed. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has any information on tests of this type.
This led to a deeper discussion on the use of down-sized ordnance for flight type testing purposes. In this I am not refering to sub-caliber items, but items that were developmental, shrunken versions of prototype or adopted items, with a close contruction and shape.
Has anyone got any information on programs or testing of this type? I've got two pieces that I will try to post later which are suspected, but so far have not been confirmed. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has any information on tests of this type.