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ROMANIAN case headstamps needed! Reward offered!


for my "Soviet Cannon" book I researched the manufacturer codes of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact states. Although I could identify most of the ordnance manufacturers of these countries, Romania is still a field with many questionmarks.

Still unknown to me are the manufacturer codes of Romanian large calibre (artillery) cartridge cases. I know who the main manufacturer is (MC Metrom), but as no specimens of Romanian cartridge cases from the Communist era have shown up so far, I still do not know which code number they used.

Does anybody have a Romanian cartridge case (post WWII) in his collection, or an artillery case with unidentified markings (according to the Soviet marking schemed, but in latin letters)?
The Romanians usually used three-digit number codes, whereas the last number indicated the last digit of the year of production.

I would be very interested in seeing any headstamp markings or any stencilled markings on the sides of artillery cases that seem to be Warsaw Pact but could not be identified so far.

For the first person to post some headstamp pictures of a true post-WWII Romanian artillery case here, I am offering a free copy of my drawings documentaion of Soviet ammo.

Thanks very much for your help!

The Russian Ammunition Page
Book "Soviet Cannon"

I have two threads on a total of 3 Romanian large caliber WW2 cases (47 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm). Not what you ask, but also I am still searching for information on Romanian cases. Very hard to find!
