I spent all Friday afternoon going through the Olin Winchester plant in East Alton, IL (FYI if you are not aware they are moving the plant to Mississippi, except for the shotshell and primer explosive line).
Had a great talk with one of their oldest engineers. He not only showed me the history of their 9mm line, but also the various packing drawings and pictures, he is checking to see if he can release most of them to me know. He remembered the 72rd per pack because it was a pain in the ass to pack and had to be done by hand. As he remembered it, this was one of the first US military packs in the Viet Nam era. And that they tried to get the govt to take 100 rd packs instead, but Uncle Sam didn't want that. SUpposedly that contract only lasted a few month, when 45, 556, 762 and .50 cal really took off. They have a really great display board with their 9mm line, even breaking off to the experimental stuff (higher velocity with heavier loads, anti personnel loads, silncer rounds and of course the sub sonic. I even got to read a report where Olin (Western Arms) tried to get the gvt to drop the 115 gr and go for the 147gr, then another one promoting 124 gr. But the115 gr has stuck.
They did make about 10,000 rds one time with no head stamp and no markings on the cardboard box. The boxes were packed thin metal boxes and shipped off to someplace in North Carolina (he said it was not Fort Bragg or to the marines, so I have a pretty good idea who got them). He also stated they never used anyother headstamp that was not Olin, Winchester, Western Arms, etc - mostly always WCC. Even in the experimental roounds.
Right now they turn out about 13,500 rds a day in military and 10,000 in civilian 9mm. But once the line gets moved to Mississippi, he thinks the numbers will decrease along witht he quality. Oilns already has lost 2 big gvt contracts for .22 cal and lost a .40 S&W contract for the FBI (or Secert Service) all for poor quality.
I couldn't take my camera in the palnt with me, but am hoping to be getting some soon.
FYI Remington is trying for gvt contracts now also, for many years they have kept away military ammo.