Without going into to many details a worrying story.
A legitimate collector has recently been suspended as the company he/she works for found an 'inert grenade' addressed to them in the post. This is still ongoing and pending a full investigation. It is further alleged that the employer has had to call the Police.
The unfortunate effect, other than potential loss of job and earnings in an economic downturn, is that yet again people privacy privaledges are being ignored. Whatever happened to the rights of the individual to collect inert ordnance? Furthermore whatever happened to the rights of an individual to recieve post UNOPENED. Businesses have a moral and ethical right to ensure that employees receiving any post in the workplace have a right to expect that their privacy will be safeguarded. This is being breached.
I'll update on how the case goes....
I would love everyone's thoughts on this. Has anyone experienced an issue resulting in suspension or dismissal?
A legitimate collector has recently been suspended as the company he/she works for found an 'inert grenade' addressed to them in the post. This is still ongoing and pending a full investigation. It is further alleged that the employer has had to call the Police.
The unfortunate effect, other than potential loss of job and earnings in an economic downturn, is that yet again people privacy privaledges are being ignored. Whatever happened to the rights of the individual to collect inert ordnance? Furthermore whatever happened to the rights of an individual to recieve post UNOPENED. Businesses have a moral and ethical right to ensure that employees receiving any post in the workplace have a right to expect that their privacy will be safeguarded. This is being breached.
I'll update on how the case goes....
I would love everyone's thoughts on this. Has anyone experienced an issue resulting in suspension or dismissal?